There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Pause for Poetry: Wednesday
This week, I will be pausing for poetry every day in celebration of National Poetry Day on Thursday 6th October. The theme this year is the Environment, offering plenty of poems to choose from and plenty of inspiration for writing.
However, because poetry is not just for poetry day, I will be sharing a couple of favourite poetry books each day this week. It has been very hard to choose…
This is a wonderful collection of poems by Alex Wharton. There really is something for everyone here, each full of closely observed details and beautifully captured emotions.
‘Weeping Willow’ is one of these. The gentle flow of writing captures the majesty and elegance of these trees perfectly. Part of the magic of an excellent poem is its ability to connect you to moments and memories and this instantly took me back to the weeping willow in my grandparents’ garden whose ‘slow waterfall of leaves’ I used to hide beneath and feel completely safe and calm- usually with a good book.
Other poems are full of fun, keenly exploring the everyday -’Dear Brother’, ‘Jellybean’, ‘Kingfisher’- wonderful for reading aloud and performing. And then there are others- ‘Man in Town’, ‘Lost Smile’, ‘Midnight Wish’, ‘Sometimes’ ‘Trapper Boy’- beautiful and poignant which make you pause and think.
Each of these poems is deserving of mention and there are so many which could be used in school to inspire as well as to be enjoyed. Poems written by children who won a poetry competition are also included at the end of the book- offering even more inspiration for aspiring poets of the future. There are plenty of appealing illustrations throughout the collection by Katy Riddell.
In the foreword, Philip Gross writes, ‘These poems do what all good poems do. They get inside you.’ Wise words- and so true of this amazing collection.
Inspiring, thoughtful, poignant and fun, ‘Daydreams and Jellybeans’ is a stunning collection of poems where words truly weave their magic.
Daydreams and Jellybeans
Alex Wharton, illustrated by Katy Riddell
Firefly ISBN: 978-1913102432
With ‘If I Were Other Than Myself’, the physical book is a pleasure to hold and its cover is eye-catching and intriguing. The silhouette full of stars reaching to the sky inspired lots of conversation before the book was even opened. Each poem is accompanied by Sue’s wonderful illustrations, with words and pictures carefully arranged. There are shape poems, poems inspired by other poets, poems about nature, poignant poems, funny poems…Many of the poems are linked by common threads.
There are so many poems worth noting here, so many which could be used to inspire, to move, to comfort, to amuse, that it is hard to select a few to comment on; however, the following are three which I have/ am planning to use with children.
‘Book Thief’ opens the collection. Celebrating the wonder and escapism stories offer, it is a joy in so many ways. Children identify and discuss many of the stories instantly, but puzzle over or dispute other references as they explore the stories they know, often coming to the conclusion the poet might be mingling different tales for her work. It is an easy step from reading to writing their own versions exploring the characters they know and love. Perfect for making reading recommendations to their friends- and not a book review in sight!
Hauntingly beautiful, ‘The Selkie Child’ is a magical poem, drawing on Celtic folklore and sure to lead to the reading and exploration of these tales. Wonderful as a performance piece, the poem also expresses a powerful sense of loss and longing.
‘Moonshine’ is a shape poem which celebrates the timelessness of the moon and all that it has seen. The use of a darker font for certain letters provoked much discuss and theorising- was there a secret poem or code hidden in these letters? Were they shaded to mimic the surface of the moon? The illustration, with its reflected, blurred poem in the water, offers ideas for poetry presentation. The poem itself encouraged lots of discussion about the passing of time, how many things change, how some are constant…
There are so many delights in ‘If I Were Other Than Myself’, making this not only the essence of reading for pleasure, but also a valuable collection for teachers and parents.
If I Were Other Than Myself Sue Hardy-Dawson
Troika Books ISBN: 978-1909991859
‘Riding a Lion’ is a fabulous collection for inspiring a joy of word play, imagination and reflection. Themed into six sections, the poems offer something for every mood and emotion- and plenty for teachers to work with.
It is always so hard to choose a few poems to comment on from a selection of so many, but here are a few which I am really looking forward to exploring with my class.
‘After the Storm’ is composed of two tanka- a Japanese verse form which has five lines with syllable count 5/7/5/7/7. Although I love the challenge of inspiring children to write quality Haiku (another, better known, form of Japanese poem with three lines and a syllable count of 5/7/5), tanka are often more successful. This poem offers much to discuss. From the title to the last line, a wealth of emotion has been captured here which children will readily empathise with and relate to. Taking an emotional situation like this and capturing it in verse can be very powerful, encouraging much discussion of emotions and the vast array of words we have for capturing them.
‘A Sloth’s Diary’ is a great example of how much fun poetry can be. Careful observation of an animal’s traits and habits can lead to simple, but effective work which is a delight to share. ‘The Climber’ is another example of observation through carefully chosen words.
‘One Shoe Tall and Three Shoes Wide’ makes a fantastic starting point for discussion and story telling. Rich in detail and mystery, the box in the poem is sure to inspire children to describe their own magical containers with curious contents. As with many other poems in the collection, this would also make a brilliant performance piece.
A rich collection of writing, ‘Riding a Lion’ is a wonderful addition to any classroom.
Riding a Lion
Coral Rumble, illustrated by Emily Ford
Troika ISBN: 978-1912745029
National Poetry Day tomorrow so expect an environmental theme!
The Boy Lost in the Maze
Whilst learning about the six labours of Theseus in school, modern day Theo sets off on a quest of his own to find his biological father. Both boys feel lost without a father and both are forced to question what being a man truly means.
This is an extraordinary read. Told through a series of poems, the work is completely spellbinding as it effortlessly weaves Theo’s story with that of Theseus. Threads of the myth wind their way into Theo’s story with echoes of names and events linking the boys. Both boys are faced with decisions as they pursue their quests, making choices about which path to choose, a parallel to the maze in the story. In places, the reader is also faced with choices- some leading forward, others hitting dead ends and taking them back to their starting point.
Deeply poignant, the story feels incredibly personal as these boys face a labyrinth of emotions, navigating their lives whilst feeling adrift, seeking a connection, seeking themselves. This is so far from my personal experience yet my heart bled for each as they try ‘to be a different kind of man’. Joseph has also given voice to the Minotaur as he ‘flounder(s) in the darkness, lost’, very much a victim of the actions of others.
Joseph’s love of poetry shines through the work. Poetry helps Theo express himself, it helps the reader to empathise, it helps characters in the story connect. Theo’s teacher encourage him to explore new poetic forms, introducing the reader to ‘Sestina’, using this to once again emphasise the idea of connection whilst forging a new path. Joseph’s command of language, his power with words and his ability to speak directly to the heart of his readers combine to create a stunning work of great beauty, pathos and hope. It is unbelievably good!
The Boy Lost in the Maze
Joseph Coelho, illustrated by Kate Milner
Otter-Barry Books ISBN: 978-1913074333
Published 6th October 2022
Pause for Poetry: Tuesday
This week, I will be pausing for poetry every day in celebration of National Poetry Day on Thursday 6th October. The theme this year is the Environment, offering plenty of poems to choose from and plenty of inspiration for writing.
However, because poetry is not just for poetry day, I will be sharing a couple of favourite poetry books each day this week. It has been very hard to choose…
This is a collection packed with a wonderful range of poems about some of the amazing women and girls who have helped to shape our world. Young (Tallulah Bryan), from the past (Boudicca) and the present (Sara Pickard), well-known (the Bronte sisters) and unnamed (match girls) - these inspiring figures are celebrated in poetic form. There are also poems discussing the role of women in fairy tales and clothing and fashions.
Although about women, this is not a collection just for girls; there is something for everyone here. Many of the poems start with some background information, placing the character into context and many would make a perfect starting point for lessons across the curriculum. 'Malala' by Michaela Morgan would make an excellent focus for discussion about human rights and could be used in conjunction with the wonderful picture book about her life, 'For the Right to Learn'.
The three poets responsible for this collection each bring their own voice and style, creating a diverse range of work. This is a must-have for any school or library!
Reaching the Stars- Poems about Extraordinary Women and Girls
by Jan Dean, Liz Brownlee and Michaela Morgan
Macmillan ISBN: 978-1509814282
This beautiful picture book is an emotional tribute to the history and experiences of African Americans, both past and present. Kwame Alexander’s poetry takes the reader on a journey through the little known – the left out- history of those who are unforgettable, unflappable, undeniable and unafraid. Unspeakable events are also recorded in these pages. The images convey the horror whilst the words state that simple fact.
The Undefeated doesn’t just acknowledge familiar names-Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali, Ella Fitzgerald- it also commemorates the unnamed victims of the slave trade, the black soldiers who fought during the civil war, those held in slavery. The book ends on a positive note- it is for the undefeated, those whose futures are yet to come. Kadir Nelson’s powerful, evocative images adorn each page, each a work of art. At the end of the book, there are biographies of those included in the book, making the perfect starting point for further research.
This is an amazing book – a must for every library and classroom. Its message is powerful and essential: black lives matter.
The Undefeated Kwame Alexander, illustrated by Kadir Nelson
Andersen ISBN: 978-1783449293
‘Shaping the World’ was the idea of Liz Brownlee, who approached poets with suggestions of historical figures they might wish to write about. Many had their own ideas and so the collection was developed.
The poems in this book are a wonderful mix of poignant and humorous: each powerful, each unique. The amount of thought and attention to detail that has gone into each is just stunning. Mat Goodfellow’s poem about Shakespeare brilliantly combines information about the man with Matt’s personal experiences and feelings. In Laura Mucha’s poem about Alexander Fleming’s petri dish, she has chosen to lay the words of her poem out to reflect what his discovery.
This is a collection which lends itself to use across the curriculum. The poems could be used as a starting point for learning about a particular figure, to be shared during a lesson on a particular subject, as the basis of an assembly or for PSHE sessions. Each poem is accompanied by a page with information about the famous figure, their achievement and a quote. A guide for how the poem should be read is also included which is an excellent idea!
‘Shaping the World’ is an excellent, diverse collection of poems, celebrating forty remarkable people and their achievements.
Shaping the World: 40 Historical Heroes in Verse
chosen by Liz Brownlee
Macmillan ISBN: 978-1529036862
More tomorrow!
Pause for Poetry: Monday
This week, I will be pausing for poetry every day in celebration of National Poetry Day on Thursday 6th October. The theme this year is the Environment, offering plenty of poems to choose from and plenty of inspiration for writing.
However, because poetry is not just for National Poetry Day, I will be sharing a couple of favourite poetry books each day this week. It has been very hard to choose…
Poetry can be an incredibly powerful, personal form of expression which allows the exploration of thoughts and feelings or simply their release. Sometimes, we lack the words to encapsulate our emotions or the courage to commit them to paper. Finding that others have also experienced similar feelings can offer great comfort which is why poems like those in ‘Being Me’ are invaluable. Sharing and discussing emotions through the words of others helps us to make sense of our feelings, feel supported and encourage empathy for others.
This is a truly stunning collection of poignant, powerful poems by three outstanding poets, illustrated by Victoria Jane Wheeler. The anthology contains 45 poems exploring a wide range of emotions, worries and ideas. Invaluable for both home and school, this is a collection which should be on every shelf.
Each poem deserves to be savoured and could be discussed in detail, easily being used as the core of a session, for a discussion or read for pleasure, but I have selected just a few to look at here. There are notes at the end of the book written by Dr Karen Goodall, a developmental psychologist, which offer advice for discussions and links for support organisations.
Reading ‘My Head is Full of Hurry’ by Laura eases all the tension in your body as your mind slows with the calming images she creates. The use of alliteration and onomatopoeia help echo the sounds of nature and its healing beauty. Children could easily create their own poems using this as a model, drawing on images, sounds and experiences which help them to regain some peace and feel calm. My head is mostly ‘full of hurry’ - a wonderful description- and this poem is one which I will now mutter to myself at moments of need.
‘A Thought’ by Matt explores a mother’s depression from a child’s point of view. The imagery used is so poignant, yet easy to relate to and perfect for discussing the feelings of both adult and child.
Liz’s poem, ‘What to do with worries’ suggests many ways of sharing the things that are bothering you instead of bottling them up. This is another poem which children could use as a model for their own ideas as well as a starting point for discussing ways to tackle worries.
Other favourites include ‘The Land of Blue’, ‘Being Heard’, ‘In the Heart of a Book’ and ‘First Day’, but each and every poem is a real gem. Highly recommended.
Being Me: Poems about Thoughts, Worries and Feelings
Liz Brownlee, Matt Goodfellow and Laura Mucha
illustrated by Victoria Jane Wheeler
Otter Barry ISBN: 978-1913074654
Whatever your feelings, there is a poem which can help! There are poems which can lighten your mood, poems to calm you down, those which entertain and those which inspire. ‘Everyone Sang’ is a fabulous collection which really has something for everyone and every emotion.
Gathered into four sections, the poems have been selected to help support different moods and capture how the reader is feeling. In his introduction, William Sieghart says, ‘There is a special magic in the perfect poem…’ and there is plenty of magic in these pages. There are plenty of classics- Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’, John Masefield’s ‘Sea Fever’ and ‘Silver’ by Walter de la Mare to name a few- alongside more recent treasures like ‘Granny Is…’ by Valerie Bloom
Each section has been carefully considered, offering a balance of older and more modern as well as from a wonderful range of poets from different countries and cultures. There are so many poems in this joyful collection which are perfect for sharing with a class or using for assemblies, encouraging children to reflect on their feelings and showing how poetry can help them to express themselves and understand others.
The illustrations are simply delightful, immersing the reader in the poems. They are full of colour, life and imagination. Each spread could be framed and displayed, but I particularly love the illustration for ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough and the one for ‘Don’t Go Into the Library’ by Alberto Rios.
A fabulous collection of poems for everyone to enjoy, ‘Everyone Sang’ would make a perfect gift.
Everyone Sang: A Poem for Every Feeling
William Sieghart, illustrated by Emily Sutton
Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406393613
'The Same Inside' is an amazing collection of poems by three very special poets. It is a collection to be shared, discussed and enjoyed again and again.
The opening poem entitled 'The Same Inside' by Liz Brownlee sets the tone of the book perfectly. Look inside any apple and what do you find- a star, and yet they all have different appearances. Cutting the apples, sharing the fruit and planting the seed of the idea could be used as the basis of an assembly or lesson to develop empathy and encourage thought and discussion. Having done this, it is amazing where it led!
There are poems here to help with many situations and each could be used as the basis for work in the classroom so I have selected a few of my favourites to discuss here- but it was very hard to choose!
'Each and Every One' is a poem by Matt Goodfellow which states 'I am human' in a range of languages, starting with Welsh and ending with English. Imagine the fun to be had discovering which language each sentence is written in, the joy of children identifying a language which they can speak. Families could add the same sentence in other languages they speak or are interested in and the poem extended, celebrated and displayed. Children could think of other sentences or phrases which they would like to translate and create a poem of their own along the same lines. This could lead to discussions about how the sentiment behind the phrase is the same, no matter what the language.
Roger Stevens' poem, 'Boy or Girl?', offers a brilliant starting point for challenging ideas about gender stereotyping. Having listened to each 'riddle', they could be asked whether they think the subject is a boy or a girl and then discuss why. They could then gather ideas about themselves or their friends and write poems exploring the things they love to do, encouraging empathy and understanding and perhaps allowing children to share hobbies and talents that they have 'outside' school that others might know nothing about.
'Differences of Opinion' by Liz Brownlee would make a great performance poem. Easy to learn, with plenty of humour, it also carries a poignant message about the beauty of friendship and celebrating difference. Children could create their own poems about the differences between themselves and others- but focus on how little this matters. Differences are to be respected and acknowledged, not ridiculed or loathed.
Each and every poem in this collection is poignant and special- words to carry in your heart and remind us that we are all 'The Same Inside.'
The Same Inside: Poems about Empathy and Friendship
Liz Brownlee, Matt Goodfellow and Roger Stevens
Macmillan ISBN: 978-1509854509
Enjoy these- more tomorrow!
Pause for Poetry: Scared?
Neal Zetter and Joshua Seigal combine forces in this collaboration of poems which explores the ‘darker side’ of life. Not afraid of tackling uncomfortable subjects, each of these poets offers words which could lead to important discussions, will challenge and perhaps, comfort those who read them.
‘Max is Not in School’ explores the relief felt by a child as they realise that this will be a day when they do not have to endure Max’s constant attacks whilst ‘Bully!’ exposes the lurking insecurity of the bully, offering reasons- not justifications- for their actions. There are poems about family relationships-’Circle Time’, ‘the d I vorce’, ‘When Dad Turns into an Incredible Hulk’ whilst ‘Gifted’ and ‘The Orange Table’ offer insights into life at school. There are so many poems here which open doors to potentially difficult discussions, developing empathy and building understanding as they encourage children to consider things from the point of view of others whilst giving a voice to those who might need it.
Although this sounds deep and dark, there are lighter moments to be found here too. Despite its name, ‘The Seriously Scary Poem’ really isn’t and ‘Skeleton in the Cupboard’ plays with words, not fears. ‘Tyrannosaurus Came to Tea’ is inspired by Judith Kerr’s classic and anyone who has had a cat is sure to recognise their feline friend in ‘Catastrophic’ whilst ‘Exclamation Mark!’ is a light-hearted look at punctuation.
With poems which can be used across the curriculum, this is a great collection for teachers of UKS2 upwards, but is also perfect for exploring at home. Are you brave enough?
Scared Neal Zetter and Joshua Seigal,
illustrated by Zoe Williams
Troika ISBN: 978-1912745142
You can read my review of ‘Yapping Away’ here and ‘When the Bell Goes’ here.
Pause for Poetry: Courage in a Poem
It’s no secret that I love poetry and relish savouring a new collection. ‘Courage in a Poem’ is not only a beautifully presented book, but also offers words of wisdom, comfort and hope. In the introduction, the poems are described as ‘little parcels of empowerment’ and it is easy to see why as they offer such a range of empathetic and inspiring words.
In ‘Your Epic Self’, Kate Wakeling fills the reader with positivity, reminding them that although this ‘epic self’ might not surface every day, it is always there, just beneath the surface. The words of Chief Dan George sing of all the beauty of life which made his heart soar, reminding us to look at the world around us and find inspiration and joy in nature.
‘Afro Hair Haiku’ is formed from a series of haiku, exploring the beauty of Afro hair and the importance of letting ‘it grow the way it wants to grow: confident again.’ whilst in ‘The Cancan’, Mandy Coe celebrates the amazing feelings of empowerment and freedom which dancing gives. Each poem needs dwelling on and lingering over- and each could be used with classes as the focus for discussion, to enhance a lesson or as a thought to end a day.
There are also poems which would work well as models to inspire children’s own writing. For example, Laura Mucha’s ‘You’re Never Too…’ is an absolute gift for adding additional lines to either individually or as a class, encouraging children to think about both Laura’s ideas and those that they are building.
Containing work from a wonderful range of poets, I am delighted to see that Little Tiger have chosen to keep the work rooted in the places they were written by preserving the subtle differences between British and American English, allowing children to appreciate how language reflects culture, place and time.
Bursting with vibrant artwork from four talented and creative illustrators, every page is a joy to look at, with colour and energy framing the words. This is a collection which will resonate with many, offering words of comfort, wisdom and courage.
Courage in a Poem: Poems About Empowerment
Cecilia Knapp, Debjani Chatterjee, Valerie Bloom, Mandy Coe, Naomi Shihab Nye, Kate Wakeling, Elizabeth Acevedo, Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Joe Cook, Jason Reynolds, Nikita Gill, Laura Mucha, Janet Wong, Nikki Grimes, Mahogany L. Browne, Matt Goodfellow, Sophia Thakur, Rachel Plummer, Jay Hulme and Chief Dan George
illustrated by Annalise Barber, Mariana Roldan, Masha Manapov and Nabila Adani
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1838914394
Pause for Poetry: And Everything Will be Glad to See You
Nosy Crow have set a real precedent for beautifully presented poetry anthologies and this is no exception. The striking cloth bound cover with its stunning illustration is both tactile and tempting.
The collection contains a wealth of poems from well-loved, familiar voices to newer poets whose work is a treat to discover. However, this anthology only contains poems from women and girls. Ella Risbridger, the writer who selected these works, offers a full explanation for her reasons for this in a passionate, enthusiastic introduction (and afterword) to the reader so I will not dwell on this here, but will focus on the poems!
Although not organised into sections, there is a cohesive feeling to the anthology as the poems seem to flow from one to the next. Each spread glows with Shepeta’s beautiful illustrations which capture the essence of the words they accompany. A number of the poems are not only by women, but about women such as Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai and Harriet Tubman. Readers can discover the power and beauty of poems such as ‘Carving’ (Imtiaz Dharker), ‘Stars and Dandelions’ (Misuzu Kaneko), ‘Dancing’ (Yang Kuei-Fei) and ‘Remember’ (Joy Harjo) alongside the classic joy of Eleanor Farjeon’s timeless ‘Cats’.
There are many poems here which teachers could thread into their teaching or share as part of a story time, exposing their classes to the wonderful range of poets and their work. The beautiful presentation of the collection makes it the perfect gift to pass on the love of poetry.
And Everything Will be Glad to See You: Poems by Women and Girls
Selected by Ella Risbridger, illustrated by Shepeta
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788009218
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.
Pause for Poetry: Yapping Away: Poems to Fill the World with Laughter
Joshua Seigal is well known for his humorous and inspiring poems and his most recent collection is every bit as wonderful as the others. Full of excellent poems, it is perfect for sharing at home, school or for curling up with on your own. With the start of the new school year rapidly approaching, it is well worth having to hand for those odd moments which need a poem or two!
The poems are playful, drawing on the everyday and inviting the reader to look at things differently. Like many, ‘Fill the World’ would be great fun to perform, adding actions – and/or creating new verses and performing these. The use of word play and pattern mean that children will pick many of the poems up without any effort, joining in with repetition- Icky Sticky Choccy Biccy, Happy or Sleepy Dust, for example, and thoroughly enjoying deciding how to present them. ‘Magic!’ is another which is calling out to be shared and which children would really enjoy using the structure to create their own versions.
These really are poems which will fill the world with laughter, but Joshua Seigal also offers places to pause and think. Drawing my Grandma is full of lovely images, but ends with a poignant thought. Sad perfectly encapsulates that inexplicable feeling of sorrow which hit us all from time to time- great for initiating discussions and exploring feelings.
Many of the poems here would be perfect for inspiring children to create their own and Joshua Seigal has included ideas at the end of the book for the reader to try. Some of these would make great getting-to-know-you activities for the first days back to school.
Although aimed at a younger audience, these poems would work well with children of any age, helping them to explore poetic techniques and offering enjoyable examples. Even the subjunctive seems less hideous when in a poem! Other poems like ‘Lots’ are just perfect for PSHE for exploring ideas and encouraging discussion in these lessons or as the basis for an assembly.
With illustrations by Sarah Horne adding to the humour of the poems, Yapping Away’ is a wonderful collection- a must have addition to any teacher’s collection!
Yapping Away: Poems to Fill the World with Laugher
Joshua Seigal, illustrated by Sarah Horne
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1472972743
Pause for Poetry: Things That Should Be in a Poem
I love Coral Rumble’s writing! Her first collection, ‘Riding a Lion’, is full of poetic treasures like ‘One Shoe Tall and Three Shoes Wide’ and ‘After the Storm’, all perfect for sharing with children and using to inspire them to create poems of their own. Her verse novel, ‘Little Light’ is just beautiful- the evocative story of young Ada and how she faces- and overcomes- the daily challenges of her life. So when I received a copy of her latest collection, Things That Should Be in a Poem’, not only was I very excited, but my expectations were sky high!
And I was not disappointed! The range of poems in this collection is pure joy as Coral skilfully moves from the silly to the profound, from observation to imagination. The book opens with the titular poem which offers a perfect launching pad for discussions about poetry and what the reader does or doesn’t like. Used with a class, it could open doors to finding out about all manner of new poems and poets! But it also makes a brilliant model for writing as children can play with all their ideas for the things that they would use to ‘collect a poem today’.
Another poem which could be used as the spark for writing is ‘Magic Coat’. It could work with children of any age, sharing their ideas for what their magic coat would allow them to do and using these to form collective or individual poems to share and enjoy.
‘Secrets’, on the other hand, is one of those poems you sometimes need to read to a class and let the message sink in. Seemingly simple, it carries a powerful message, encouraging empathy and provoking a thoughtful response. Deeply poignant, ‘My Name’ is a very special poem.
The collection is illustrated throughout by Shih-Yu Lin whose lively, expressive pictures perfectly complement Coral’s poems. This is a must have collection for any teacher- or adult- or child!
Things That Should Be in a Poem
Coral Rumble, illustrated by Shih-Yu Lin
Troika Poetry ISBN: 978-1912745203
Published 5.9.22
Pause for Poetry: An Imaginary Menagerie
This is a new edition of a classic collection which has delighted readers for many years. It was one of the first poetry books I bought when I started teaching and one which I have used regularly since.
Illustrated throughout by Roger, the poems are about both real and imaginary animals from the Allivator to the Zonk. Rich in word play and puns, each poem is imaginative and full of humour. A particular favourite of mine is ‘Bookworms’ which starts…
Bookworms are the cleverest of all the worms I know
While others meet their fate on a fisherman's hook as bait
Or churn out silk or chew up the earth or simply burn and glow
They loll about in libraries eating words to make them grow.
The words trip off the tongue, making them a joy to perform and very easy to learn by heart as well as it being satisfying for children to explore the ideas, word play and patterns and use these in their own writing.
Discover the ‘Aunt-Eater’ and learn the fate of the Goodgers, know the habits of Squiggles and consider the virtues of a teapet in this ‘imaginary menagerie’ of delights.
An Imaginary Menagerie
Poems and drawings by Roger McGough, cover illustration by Petr Horacek
Otter-Barry Books ISBN: 978-1913074357
Pause for Poetry: Ready for Spaghetti
In ‘Ready for Spaghetti, Michael Rosen has created a series of joyful poems which capture moments of a child’s day from getting up in the morning to going to bed in the evening. Each is full of word play, perfect for encouraging children to join in and experiment with language.
Full of fun and energy, the playful nature of the poems will soon make them firm favourites, easy for children to learn and share as they go about their daily activities. Humour permeates the collection as Michael Rosen pauses to observe the smallest details- playing in a paddling pool, building a sandcastle, having a rumbly tummy- which Polly Dunbar captures perfectly in her irresistible illustrations.
Perfect for sharing, ‘Ready for Spaghetti’ is a wonderfully creative and imaginative collection!
Ready for Spaghetti
Michael Rosen, illustrated by Polly Dunbar
Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406377644
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.
Pause for Poetry: When the Bell Goes
In this ‘rapping, rhyming trip through childhood’, Neal Zetter turns the clock back to his school days…which seem to have a lot in common with those of today! From mornings to teachers to lessons to home time, Neal brings his performance poetry skills to exploring school life in all its glory (or perhaps gory detail!)
Each poem is accompanied by a joke (What time is it when somebody eats your watch?) or fun fact which may or may not be true (Fire brigades and hospitals across the UK deal with an average of 19 people a week who, during a yoga session, tie themselves in knots from which they cannot escape) which relates to the poem.
The contents page is set out like a school time table with sections on subjects like clothes, playtime and afternoons as well as the less pleasant ‘sick’! Here, there is a poem about that well known ‘tummy ache’ which any teacher (or parent!) will tell you is still a major feature of the school day, one about the class nosepicker and that constant ssssssniffing!
There’s a playtime poem which acknowledges those of us who don’t love football (yay!). ‘Lists’ is a poem about creating- well, lists- and would make an excellent model to inspire children to create their own. A class could have great fun rewriting ‘Good Morning’ to suit its own members whereas ‘Fake News’ offers the opportunity to rewrite history!
The collection is illustrated throughout by Emily Ford whose black and white drawings add to the fun of the poems. A great addition to class shelves!
When the Bell Goes: A Rapping, Rhyming Trip Through Childhood
Neal Zetter, illustrated by Emily Ford
Troika ISBN: 978-19099991576
Pause for poetry: Follow that Word
Having been asked to update the FCBG book lists, poetry has been very much in my mind as this is where I decided to start. A great poetry lover, my collection of poetry books runs into the hundreds, going right back to my childhood.
I have always shouted about the importance of poetry in school and recently, there seems to have been a renewed interest in this much neglected area amongst teachers so I have decided to have a ‘pause for poetry’ every Wednesday, looking at some of my favourites past and present!
‘Follow that Word’ is a new collection from poetry master, John Agard, winner of the BookTrust Lifetime Achievement Award 2021, illustrated by Momoko Abe (whose picture book ‘When the Sun Goes Home’ is an absolute joy!). It is a masterclass in word play interwoven with myths, legends, history and wisdom. Packed with over sixty poems, there is much to ponder, amuse, delight and think about in these pages.
The collection includes a number of calypso poems. A type of folk song which often incorporates Spanish, Creole, and African phrases, calypso is originally from Trinidad but is also sung elsewhere in the Caribbean and these poems use the rhythms and energy of this musical tradition. ‘Two To Catch On’ is a joyful celebration of diversity and begs to be performed!
It’s been around from Creation dawn
and it only takes two to catch on.
Try it, people, and you will see
this is the dance that can set you free.
Other poems are concerned with figures from history or mythology. ‘Coffin’, for example, introduces the reader to Matthew Coffin, the carpenter who invented the wooden coffin whilst ‘Jumbo’ reflects the experience of Jumbo the first African elephant to arrive at London Zoo. All or any of these poems could be used with a class to enliven various areas of the curriculum, as starting points for discussion or reflection or simply for the joy of sharing their word play.
Often including lines from the poems, Momoko Abe’s illustrations add much to the collection. Lady Mosquito and her babies chase across one page whilst Greek vase inspired friezes border others.
There is so much to treasure and enjoy in this collection! A must for teachers.
Follow that Word John Agard, illustrated by Momoko Abe
Hodder ISBN: 978-1444964974
A few John Agard poetry books from my shelves.