Pause for Poetry: Things That Should Be in a Poem

I love Coral Rumble’s writing! Her first collection, ‘Riding a Lion’, is full of poetic treasures like ‘One Shoe Tall and Three Shoes Wide’ and ‘After the Storm’, all perfect for sharing with children and using to inspire them to create poems of their own. Her verse novel, ‘Little Light’ is just beautiful- the evocative story of young Ada and how she faces- and overcomes- the daily challenges of her life. So when I received a copy of her latest collection, Things That Should Be in a Poem’, not only was I very excited, but my expectations were sky high!

And I was not disappointed! The range of poems in this collection is pure joy as Coral skilfully moves from the silly to the profound, from observation to imagination. The book opens with the titular poem which offers a perfect launching pad for discussions about poetry and what the reader does or doesn’t like. Used with a class, it could open doors to finding out about all manner of new poems and poets! But it also makes a brilliant model for writing as children can play with all their ideas for the things that they would use to ‘collect a poem today’.

Another poem which could be used as the spark for writing is ‘Magic Coat’. It could work with children of any age, sharing their ideas for what their magic coat would allow them to do and using these to form collective or individual poems to share and enjoy.

‘Secrets’, on the other hand, is one of those poems you sometimes need to read to a class and let the message sink in. Seemingly simple, it carries a powerful message, encouraging empathy and provoking a thoughtful response. Deeply poignant, ‘My Name’ is a very special poem.

The collection is illustrated throughout by Shih-Yu Lin whose lively, expressive pictures perfectly complement Coral’s poems. This is a must have collection for any teacher- or adult- or child!

Things That Should Be in a Poem

Coral Rumble, illustrated by Shih-Yu Lin

Troika Poetry ISBN: 978-1912745203

Published 5.9.22


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