
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Chipping Norton Literary Festival: The Big Book of Nature Art

On Saturday, I went to the Chipping Norton Literary Festival and the Cotswolds town looked lovely in the sunshine. Yuval Zommer was painting the window of Jaffe and Neale, the bookshop, to celebrate 10 years of the festival, creating a bright, beautiful display.

His new book, ‘The Big Book of Nature Art’, is the latest in his ‘Big Book of…’ series and his event later in the day was to celebrate this. As everyone was arriving and settling, Yuval circulated amongst the audience, chatting to the children. He showed them copies of his books- and there were many cries of ‘I’ve got that one…’ from the children- involving them in reading the titles and holding books for him as he was talking. His patience and desire to involve everyone was lovely!

‘The Big Book of Nature Art’ is packed with 22 craft projects which can be completed in four steps. Inspired by nature, each project combines using natural objects with recycled materials which are easily found at home to prove that ‘each child is a nature artist’! From cardboard cacti to flying fish, from sneaky snakes to forest owls, the book offers a wonderful range of projects to inspire and engage. Advice and tips are given at the end of the book and there are 15 ants, hiding throughout the pages, to find.

Yuval explained that everyone was going to make an owl, using a paper cup for the body and leaves for ears. The children loved it- and were so creative! When they had finished, Yuval admired each one in turn and every child ‘won’ a sticker. It was such a lovely session, showing just what can be made with found objects- and a little imagination!

The Big Book of Nature Art Yuval Zommer

Thames and Hudson ISBN: 978-0500652930

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