I Hate Everything!
When a ghost decides that they hate everything, it is challenged by another ghost to think about what it is really saying. Having agreed that it doesn’t hate its friend, sweets and dressing up, it then has to admit that it has actually forgotten what it is that it hates and decides that it loves everything…well, nearly everything!
Sophy Henn has done it once again with another fabulous book which shows just how well she understands children! ‘I Hate Everything!’ is a complete joy, capturing the big emotions and big reactions which toddlers (and some older children!) experience and just don’t know how to handle.
The gentle humour of the story allows readers to laugh with the big ghost as the little ghost challenges its statement that it hates everything. Families sharing this are sure to create lists of all the things which they enjoy and love to prove that although they might feel like they ‘hate everything’, nothing could be further from the truth. As usual with Sophy’s stories, there is so much to discuss in such a seemingly simple story, including the twist at the end of the tale!
So much emotion and personality is conveyed through Sophy’s skilful illustrations. How simple lines can create eyes and eyebrows which are so emotionally charged is incredible- but she does it so brilliantly, making the story accessible to all including those who experience difficulties in expressing their feelings or interpreting those of others. Little children can easily ‘read’ the pictures, if not the words, and perhaps enjoy creating their own stories about the two ghosts and drawing their own illustrations taking inspiration from Sophy’s.
Simply lovely- Sophy is a genius!
I Hate Everything!
Sophy Henn
Simon and Schuster ISBN: 978-1398526792