
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Time, Adventure, Fantasy Sue Wilsher Fiction, Time, Adventure, Fantasy Sue Wilsher

The Time Tider

Mara and her father, Gabriel, live in their van and are constantly on the move. Her father is forever tinkering with watches, completely absorbed in his work, plotting the next stop on their never ending journey. Mara has never questioned their way of life until one day she discovers some papers hidden in the van referring to the to ‘the Tider’, someone responsible for harvesting lost time. Shocked and full of questions, Mara is left reeling when Gabriel is taken by a dangerous group who wish to use his powers for evil. Desperate for help, Mara tries to find her father’s friend, Lenny and meets a boy called Jan who seems determined to help her. Together, they must find Gabriel before it's too late.

My clumsy synopsis does not do justice to this brilliant book. It is such a well-crafted, absorbing story, set in a world where ‘spare’ time must be harvested by the Time Tider to avoid it gathering and causing warps; however, it also poses questions in the moral implications of someone having the power and responsibility this bestows and the potential for corruption and evil which might follow.

The author skilfully builds Mara’s world and the arts of the Time Tider with exerts from ‘The Time Tider’s Handbook’ being threaded through the story between chapters. Mara is a unique character. Isolated by their unusual lifestyle, their poverty and constant travelling, she is naturally distrustful and cautious, but also curious and courageous. You can’t help but cheer her on as she faces each challenge and decision she must take.

The Time Tider would make an excellent class read, sure to excite the imagination and lead to much discussion and exploration of ideas. I have loved each book by Sinead O’Hart, but feel this is her best yet!

The Time Tider Sinéad O’Hart

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788953306

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