There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Endless Sea
When a family are forced to leave their home behind, they set off on a perilous journey to a find a new life.
Based on the author’s own experiences, ‘The Endless Sea’ begins with a family, living ‘a tiger’s whisker’ away from the jungle. Here, after a long war, their family are suffering in the aftermath, punished for being on the losing side. No countries are mentioned in the text, but the author’s note identifies this as Vietnam. Offering a poignant account of the terrifying journey faced by refugees, desperate for sanctuary and a safe life, this is a very powerful, moving picture book, one which is much better suited to sharing with older, rather than younger, children.
Peppered with figurative language, the text follows the family’s traumatic journey across the sea, sharing the horrors of this experience through the eyes of a small child. One of ‘The Lucky Ones’ who survived, she is still haunted by nightmares of her experiences. Yet, ultimately, the story shines a beacon of hope. The family are shown settled in a new home, ‘a cat’s whisker’ from her new school.
Matching the powerful text are the incredible illustrations which are sure to inspire discussions and raise questions. The opening spread shows a beautiful, ‘wide screen’ scene, with an ‘ordinary’ family, happily going about their everyday lives. However, the next picture zooms in, allowing the reader to notice different things. Furtive behaviours and worried expressions tell a very different story, creating a sense of tension. As the family flees, the images become darker as the little family board an overcrowded wooden boat and head out to sea and face the perils of the sinking boat. The nightmare scenes are particularly emotive. Swirling blank figures - those who weren’t so lucky- circle the girl’s bed in inky blackness. She falls ‘into the endless sea’ and unlike the others, lands on the safety of her bed. Each picture in this stunning book is worthy of comment…
An essential addition to books which share the experiences of refugees and develop empathy and understanding for their plight, ‘The Endless Sea’ allows readers to share the positive outcome for this family whilst remembering those who did not survive.
The Endless Sea
Chi Thai, illustrated by Linh Dao
Walker Studio ISBN: 978-1529516487
Free as a Bird
Jonas, the lighthouse keeper, wakes one morning, having dreamed about flying, free as a bird. Desperate to share with his friend, Blue the whale, Jonas sets off at once to find her. When he finds her, Jonas sees Blue has an exhausted bird on her head. Quickly, the friends take the bird back to the lighthouse where he is able to tell his story to Blue who can understand his tweets. Forced to flee from a beautiful country which is now in the grip of war, the little bird has undertaken a perilous journey in the hope of finding a safe place. As the little bird grows stronger, other birds arrive, singing the same song of freedom. Helped by Blue and Jonas, they stay until they have regained their strength before moving on, but their new friend has found a new home.
Revisiting the characters from ‘I Love You, Blue’, ‘Free as a Bird’ is a gorgeous story, celebrating the importance of compassion, love and a place to call home. Thought-provoking and moving, the story uses the idiom ‘free as a bird’ to explore the plight of refugees, cleverly contrasting the freedom from worry and trouble which the expression implies with the realities of the bird’s experiences.
To use another idiom, Blue and Jonas are the bird’s ‘lighthouse in a storm’, a place of safety where he is lucky to find a compassionate, understanding welcome. Their care for the bird and the refuge they offer to the many other birds who come seeking sanctuary is a joy to see as the book reaches its very satisfying, heart-warming conclusion. The illustrations are just delightful, full of charm and character.
A very powerful story, perfect for developing empathy, ‘Free as a Bird’ is a must have!
Free as a Bird
Otter-Barry Books ISBN: 978-1915659330
You can read my review of ‘I Love You, Blue’ here.
The Girl at the Front of the Class
When a new girl arrives in his class, Adam is determined to make friends with her. However, she doesn’t want to play or make sandcastles in the sandpit- she just draws sad pictures. Seeking advice, Adam asks his teacher, his dad and his grandma and although they try to explain, their answers make him very sad and more determined than ever to be her friend. So he comes up with a plan…
Ever since the publication of ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’, books by Onjali Q Rauf have supported teachers, parents and other adults in developing thoughtful conversations with children about a number of topics, creating empathy and understanding in an often harsh, judgemental world. In ‘The Girl at the Front of the Class’, she works her magic once more with a poignant, beautiful story, perfect for starting discussions about the plight of refugees with younger children.
At the end of the story, the reader- and Adam- learns that the little girl’s name is Layla. The book is a celebration of the power of kindness and how simple acts of friendship can make a world of difference. But Adam is not pushy or overbearing in his actions- he shows patience and thought, creating a large picture depicting a happy ‘story’ for Layla, meeting her on her own terms rather than forcing her into a friendship.
The illustrations complement the text perfectly and the picture showing Layla and Adam swapping names is just lovely, as they are bathed in a warm glow whilst the lively bustle of the rest of the class is shown in a muted grey-blue, highlighting their newly-formed friendship.
At the end of the book, there are ‘Five Ideas to Help Refugee Children Feel Welcome’, each suggestion something which is easily achievable and the significance of each will be readily understood by even the youngest children. A wonderful addition to bookshelves, ‘The Girl at the Front of the Class’ is perfect for sharing.
The Girl at the Front of the Class
Onjali Q Rauf, illustrated by Pippa Curnick
Hodder ISBN: 978-1526364654
You can read my review of ‘The Letter with the Golden Stamp’ here.
Kicked Out
Sequel to the very wonderful, ‘Boy Everywhere’ follows Ali and Sami as they settle into life, playing for the school football team and enjoying the huge pool at Mark’s new house. But when some money goes missing, everything changes when Aadam is accused by Mark’s mum’s boyfriend of the theft. The boys are desperate to prove his innocence and help him fight deportation, but Ali is distracted by the reappearance of his father and his half brother.
I loved ‘Boy Everywhere’, finding it powerful, thought-provoking and moving. In ‘Kicking Out’, A M Dassu offers a follow up which is equally compelling and which does not shy away from racist attitudes and the plight of unaccompanied minors who are seeking asylum. Parts of the story make uncomfortable reading as racism and appalling attitudes are laid bare, but with the dangerous and misleading rhetoric around refugees and asylum seekers, it is a vitally important one.
Family and relationships are also central to the story. Ali’s world is turned upside down by the reappearance of his father- and his half brother. He struggles with feelings of inadequacy and rejection, constantly comparing himself to his ‘new’ brother and doubting himself. Mark is also having family problems- although his mother has new found wealth and security, it is her boyfriend, Callum, a racist bully, who has driven a rift between him (Mark), Ali and Sami, falsely accusing Aadam and refusing to let Mark see his friends. Mark doesn’t want to abandon them, but struggles with the thought that he might upset his mother now that she has at last found some happiness.
Unflinching and honest, ‘Kicked Out’ is an important and thoroughly enjoyable read.
Kicked Out A M Dassu
Old Barn Books ISBN: 978- 1910646892
Published in October