
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Manners, Being considerate, Humour Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Manners, Being considerate, Humour Sue Wilsher

Hank Goes Honk

Hank the goose spends a lot of his time being obnoxious. His selfish behaviour and unpleasant manners upset others and mean that Hank can get lonely. So, he decides to change his ways and learn how to be an im-PECK-able goose, but it’s not as easy as it seems!

Published just in time for back to school week, ‘Hank Goes Honk’ is absolutely perfect for school assemblies and class discussions with children of all ages as well as for sharing at home! The text uses the words ‘obnoxious’ and ‘considerate’, clearly explaining what they mean and giving examples of Hank’s behaviour to demonstrate whilst the illustrations clearly show the impact of his actions on those around him. There are so many moments where children will naturally want to pause to discuss Hank’s behaviour, offering the perfect opportunity to develop empathy with the other characters. The impulse for Hank to pop Bunny’s balloon is sure to resonate with many little ones and the story gently shows the affect this has, not only on Bunny, but also on Hank.

One of the best things about the story is that Hank does not instantly become a saint. He tries really hard, but somehow the big, red balloon is just too much for him. This results in his becoming very frustrated with himself, but the story makes it clear that this does not mean that he is irredeemable. This again is a really important point to discuss with children- a one off incident can happen to anyone- support and encouragement is what is needed, not condemnation and shaming!

The illustrations are wonderful with so much to notice and enjoy. I love the little caretaker mouse who spends most of the book scurrying round tidying up after Hank- I feel there is a whole book yet to be written about him! There are so many little details to enjoy which add plenty of humour to Hank’s tale and I’m sure many will want to meet his high five to congratulate him on his improved behaviour!

Full of gentle humour, ‘Hank Goes Honk’ is perfect for encouraging children to be kind and considerate to others.

Hank Goes Honk

Maudie Powell-Tuck, illustrated by Duncan Beedie

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801046527

Published 5th September 2024

You can read my review of ‘The Christmas Department Store’ by Maudie Powell-Tuck here and ‘No Sleep for Bear’ by Duncan Beedie here which also has links to reviews of some of his other books.

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