There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Our Sister, Again
Isla and her family live on the small island of Eilean Dearg in the Outer Hebrides. Grieving the loss of her older sister, Flora, the family is struggling to cope when Isla notices an advertisement for a support group. Little does she know when she fills this in that the family will be offered the chance to be part of a top-secret trial, recreating Flora as an AI robot. Initially sceptical, Isla’s doubts disappear when ‘Flora’ arrives on the island- it’s as if her sister has truly returned home. But not everyone feels the same way and tension mounts as anonymous threats are made.
A compelling and thought-provoking story, ‘Our Sister, Again’ is a brilliant read. Isla’s family are devastated by Flora’s loss, but whilst her mother grasps at the chance to have her daughter back in this way, her father has many reservations about the project, causing the family to split. The story raises plenty of questions, challenging the reader to think about life, loss and what really makes us who we are, developed by the different points of view raised by various characters through the story as they react to Flora’s return.
Family and friendship are at the heart of the story and each character is well developed and believable. The relationship between the sisters is beautifully handled, particularly that between Isla and her younger sister, Una, whose bond has grown in the face of the family’s grief. There are many poignant moments as the story develops, leading to an interesting and unexpected conclusion.
An excellent book- highly recommended!
Our Sister, Again Sophie Cameron
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788953917
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.