Reviews from Another Life
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Too Much Stuff!
Meg and Ash have created a lovely nest for their four perfect eggs. But suddenly, it seems to them that this is not good enough and that the nest needs more ‘stuff’ to make it the best possible. They start to collect things -small items at first, but as they get more ambitious, disaster strikes, making Meg and Ash realise what has really been important to them all along.
‘Too Much Stuff!’ revisits the woodland we were introduced to in ‘Tidy’ and the illustrations show many of the same creatures, including Pete the badger (and is that Cyril and Pat?!), watching the events unfold as magpies, Meg and Ash, gather as much stuff as they can and pack it into their nest.
Told in rhyming text, the story builds brilliantly to the climax the reader has been anticipating and it is easy to laugh at the obsession these proud parents have of providing their eggs with so many things they can’t possibly need. And this, of course, is the brilliance of the whole, as sage Emily Gravett is reminding us all that the really important things in life are not those ‘must haves’ that seem so essential, but the irreplaceable, precious people we love. The endpapers are full of wonderful adverts from ‘Stuff’ magazine, gently poking fun at the amazing range of seemingly desirable items we are convinced we need; those at the front are ones which Meg and Ash feather their nest whilst those at the back show advertising at its best (or worst!).
The importance of the ‘four ‘R’s of recycling’ are also at the heart of the story. If it can be used in some way, each item from the nest is given a new lease of life whilst the real rubbish is carefully returned to the bin by Pete putting his tidying skills to good use. Using the library is also given a plug with Pete choosing from a range which includes some familiar favourites!
The illustrations are a real joy, packed with detail, bright and appealing. Even under the dust jacket and the ‘real’ cover of the book are full of pictures and things to notice. ‘Too Much Stuff!’ is just perfect for using in school, not only because of its powerful pleas for focusing on the important things in life and recycling, but for the many storytelling opportunities offered by the illustrations. There are so many creatures here with stories waiting to be told…and have the magpie chicks learned from their parents’ mistake or will an argument over some beads lead to more problems?
Hopefully, books are an exception because ‘Too Much Stuff!’ is one everyone will want to add to their collection- or at least, borrow from the library!
Too Much Stuff!
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN: 978-1509857333
Photo: Emily Beale
Pete the badger loves a good tidy and clean-up, but living deep in the forest, this is not an easy task. From snipping off flowers that don't quite match to polishing rocks, there is so much to do. However, when Pete takes to hoovering up all the dead leaves, things take a turn for the worse as leaves continue to fall (it is autumn after all), and Pete decides the only way to keep the forest tidy is to get rid of trees. Pete's obsession spirals out of control, and soon the forest is replaced by a concrete jungle. When he is left hungry and homeless, Pete begins to realise what he has done.
Emily Gravett's talent for drawing charming anthropomorphic animals allows this book to carry a serious theme while never being too somber. She captures the natural beauty of the forest colours which she then contrasts with browns and greys post-tidy, conveying a powerful message about how urbanisation affects the environment. The double-spread with the huge pile of rubbish bags is particularly powerful.
However, all ends well for Pete, who with the help of some woodland friends, manages to reverse what he has done, offering hope that maybe it is not too late to reverse some of the damage humans have done. The theme of protecting the environment is obviously key here, and branches out into the impact of waste and the importance of ecosystems which also offer opportunities for many discussions and activities in classrooms and at home.
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN : 978-1447273981
Cyril and Pat
Cyril is all alone until he meets Pat. They have brilliant fun together and every time someone tries to tell Cyril something about Pat, Cyril is quick to say what he likes about his friend, Pat. However, when Cyril finally realises that Pat is a rat, everyone tells him that squirrels and rats should not be friends. Sadly, Cyril listens and finds life is nowhere near as much fun without his best mate. When Cyril is in danger, however, it is Pat, his true friend, who comes to the rescue.
This is such a powerful book. Like a little child, Cyril has no preconceptions about Pat; he just sees a like minded soul-someone he really enjoys being with. It is the other characters who try to impose their prejudices and stereotypes onto Pat, telling Cyril what he should think. Although it is all said as if they have Cyril's best interests at heart, this is clearly not the case as Cyril then finds himself alone. Intolerance and prejudice are such relevant topics to everyday life and this story offers the perfect way into empathetic discussions about acceptance and feelings.
The illustrations are just a delight! The joy on Cyril and Pat's faces as they play together contrasts perfectly with the unhappiness which follows when they are separated. There are so many details to notice and enjoy as well. The shops all have such relevant names and the picture showing how Slim chases them around the park is just brilliant!
A treasure of a story with beautiful illustrations, 'Cyril and Pat' is a must have for every classroom.
Cyril and Pat
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN: 978-1509857272