Reviews from Another Life
I have been reviewing books for many years. Here you can search for reviews of other titles by the authors, illustrators, poets and publishers featured on my ‘Reviews’ blog.
The Green Giant
Bea is leaving the city to visit her grandfather who lives in the country. He loves to work in his garden whereas she love to do nothing. When Iris, her sausage dog, chases a cat over the fence into next door’s garden, she follows and finds an overgrown wilderness. There she discovers an old greenhouse…and a giant made entirely from plants! The Green Giant explains how he had to leave the city, opening Bea’s eyes to the magic and wonder of nature. When she leaves to return home to the city, the giant gives her a present which helps transform the grey city in which she lives.
A lovely story offering an important message about the wonder of green spaces and the magic of planting seeds and watching them grow, ‘The Green Giant’ is a fabulous book for sharing and promoting discussion. The Green Giant is reminiscent of the Green Man, often a symbol associated with rebirth on churches and that is what he longs for- a magical place where everything can grow.
The illustrations are lovely, showing Bea come to love nature and awakening her love of the outdoors and all it offers. ‘Guerrilla gardening’ is on the increase as people come to understand the importance greenery has on people’s well being as well as the environment. The colours are bright and vivid, grabbing attention and emphasising the contrast between the grey of the city and the beauty of nature.
The Green Giant
Katie Cottle
Pavilion ISBN: 978-1843654001
The Blue Giant
Meera and her mother are enjoying a day on the beach when a blue giant rises from the water and asks for their help. It takes them on a journey beneath the waves and shows them all the rubbish that has gathered there. Meesha and her mum swim into action and start to clean up, but there is so much to do. But they find that each act of kindness inspires someone else to action and soon everybody is working together to clean up.
This beautiful story gently introduces children to the compelling issue of rubbish in our seas. The Blue Giant brings the environment to life, making a direct appeal from the ocean to the reader to take action. Meera and her mother help the creatures ‘one by one’ as they clean up, showing what a huge task this is- and yet how things can be achieved if tackled one step at a time. It also inspires collective action with Meera’s actions leading to others joining in and following her example.
With its lovely illustrations, ‘The Blue Giant’ is perfect for using in school. Sea collages and beach scenes, creating their own ‘Blue Giants’, sand sculptures and sea creatures- so much art work could be generated from this book. It also offers an excellent starting point for discussions about pollution and steps that can be taken to solve the issue- perhaps starting with a beach clean if you live near the sea- or a playground tidy if not. There are suggestions for reducing the usage of single use plastics - action that can be taken immediately!
‘The Blue Giant’ is a delightful story full of lovely illustrations which is the perfect follow-up to Katie’s first book, ‘The Green Giant’.
The Blue Giant
Katie Cottle
Pavilion ISBN: 978-18436513
Too Much Stuff!
Meg and Ash have created a lovely nest for their four perfect eggs. But suddenly, it seems to them that this is not good enough and that the nest needs more ‘stuff’ to make it the best possible. They start to collect things -small items at first, but as they get more ambitious, disaster strikes, making Meg and Ash realise what has really been important to them all along.
‘Too Much Stuff!’ revisits the woodland we were introduced to in ‘Tidy’ and the illustrations show many of the same creatures, including Pete the badger (and is that Cyril and Pat?!), watching the events unfold as magpies, Meg and Ash, gather as much stuff as they can and pack it into their nest.
Told in rhyming text, the story builds brilliantly to the climax the reader has been anticipating and it is easy to laugh at the obsession these proud parents have of providing their eggs with so many things they can’t possibly need. And this, of course, is the brilliance of the whole, as sage Emily Gravett is reminding us all that the really important things in life are not those ‘must haves’ that seem so essential, but the irreplaceable, precious people we love. The endpapers are full of wonderful adverts from ‘Stuff’ magazine, gently poking fun at the amazing range of seemingly desirable items we are convinced we need; those at the front are ones which Meg and Ash feather their nest whilst those at the back show advertising at its best (or worst!).
The importance of the ‘four ‘R’s of recycling’ are also at the heart of the story. If it can be used in some way, each item from the nest is given a new lease of life whilst the real rubbish is carefully returned to the bin by Pete putting his tidying skills to good use. Using the library is also given a plug with Pete choosing from a range which includes some familiar favourites!
The illustrations are a real joy, packed with detail, bright and appealing. Even under the dust jacket and the ‘real’ cover of the book are full of pictures and things to notice. ‘Too Much Stuff!’ is just perfect for using in school, not only because of its powerful pleas for focusing on the important things in life and recycling, but for the many storytelling opportunities offered by the illustrations. There are so many creatures here with stories waiting to be told…and have the magpie chicks learned from their parents’ mistake or will an argument over some beads lead to more problems?
Hopefully, books are an exception because ‘Too Much Stuff!’ is one everyone will want to add to their collection- or at least, borrow from the library!
Too Much Stuff!
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN: 978-1509857333
Photo: Emily Beale
Pete the badger loves a good tidy and clean-up, but living deep in the forest, this is not an easy task. From snipping off flowers that don't quite match to polishing rocks, there is so much to do. However, when Pete takes to hoovering up all the dead leaves, things take a turn for the worse as leaves continue to fall (it is autumn after all), and Pete decides the only way to keep the forest tidy is to get rid of trees. Pete's obsession spirals out of control, and soon the forest is replaced by a concrete jungle. When he is left hungry and homeless, Pete begins to realise what he has done.
Emily Gravett's talent for drawing charming anthropomorphic animals allows this book to carry a serious theme while never being too somber. She captures the natural beauty of the forest colours which she then contrasts with browns and greys post-tidy, conveying a powerful message about how urbanisation affects the environment. The double-spread with the huge pile of rubbish bags is particularly powerful.
However, all ends well for Pete, who with the help of some woodland friends, manages to reverse what he has done, offering hope that maybe it is not too late to reverse some of the damage humans have done. The theme of protecting the environment is obviously key here, and branches out into the impact of waste and the importance of ecosystems which also offer opportunities for many discussions and activities in classrooms and at home.
Emily Gravett
Two Hoots ISBN : 978-1447273981
Queenie de la Cruz has just moved to California with her mother and younger brother. The litter-strewn beach, hazy, polluted sky and brown waves, topped with creamy foam are not what she imagined North Nitch, their neighbourhood, would be like and she dreams of something exciting happening. Little does she know that her discovery of a piece of paper inside an empty bottle of Mac-Tonic (the world’s most popular drink- and Queenie’s personal favourite) is about to change her life forever. Abducted from her home, Queenie meets Todd, who has also been imprisoned, and the two manage to escape. Pursued by bounty-hunters, black helicopters and the American public, the two are running for their lives and Queenie starts to see the world more clearly, noticing the devastating impact the big corporations have on the planet. If she survives, can she make a difference?
An excellent read from start to finish, ‘Pop!’ is an action-packed, rollercoaster of a story, fizzing with humour. However, it also packs a punch with a strong environmental and humanitarian message about the purchasing choices we make and the actions of overly-powerful companies whose sole goal is the pursuit of wealth.
The story is full of compelling characters. Queenie is hopelessly addicted to the sugary-satisfaction of Mac-Tonic and there are many who will see themselves reflected in her cravings for sugary drinks and treats. Initially, she is so used to the plastic waste littering the shore by her home that she has become completely desensitised to it and has never considered taking responsibility for something caused by others. Over the course of the story, she begins to question and challenge things that she has taken for granted, leading the reader with her on her voyage of discovery. The story is perfect for using with Y6/7 pupils to provoke discussion and raise questions.
Can’t recommend this one highly enough!
Pop! Mitch Johnson
Orion ISBN: 978-1510107618
Dear Earth
Beautiful in both illustration and words, ‘Dear Earth’ explores our planet and all its wonders.
Tessa’s grandfather was an explorer and loves to share stories of his adventures with his granddaughter. Inspired by his memories, Tessa decides to write a letter to the Earth and what follows is a celebration of all the beauties and wonders of this planet. It is a real love letter, sharing her passion for the Earth as she believes that if enough people share the message, it will have a better future.
Through Tessa’s imagination and the stunning illustrations by Clara Anganuzzi, the reader experiences the diverse and glorious creatures of our planet and all the places in which they live. She blows bubbles with whales, kisses butterflies and screeches with the monkeys and birds of the rain forests. But she also reminds us that the world is a fragile place, easily hurt by people, often unintentionally, and needs love and care to flourish.
At the end of the book, there are pages offering more information about environmental issues and practical suggestions for things people can do to help.
Once we had read and enjoyed the story, each of my class wrote a letter to the Earth which will be displayed hanging from our ‘book balloon’. This has been painted to look like the cover of the book by the children with their drawings of the creatures and Tessa added. Pictures of this will be posted as soon as it’s finished.
‘Dear Earth’ is a stunning book about how special and fragile our planet is. Every class needs a copy!
Dear Earth
Isabel Otter, illustrated by Clara Anganuzzi
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1848579415
Gorilla Dawn
Imara, a young girl abducted from her home village, and Bobo, the son of a wildlife ranger, are imprisoned by rebel soldiers in the heart of the African jungle. When the rebels capture a baby gorilla which they plan to sell, the children vow to return it to the wild and escape. Should the children get caught, the consequences would be terrible...
Gill Lewis writes with a passion for living things which shines through all of her books. 'Gorilla Dawn' is the most thought provoking and challenging yet, looking at issues of exploitation- of children, of the environment, of the planet. It explores the devastating effects of war and how the selfish demands of the West can destroy life elsewhere in the world.
Through the eyes of the children, the reader is challenged to think about their responsibility to the natural world and the need to protect it. Topics like deforestation, civil war, the atrocities and devastation of conflict could all be considered and discussed and children (and adults) might well be inspired to find out more about some areas- for example the illegal/ unethical mining of coltan and the violation of Human Rights.
The children are individual, well drawn characters, allowing the reader to engage with them. Imara's role as 'Spirit Child' and her relationship with Kitwana, the baby gorilla, are particularly interesting.
This is a very touching, emotional story, but the message ultimately hopeful and the ending satisfying. The content and themes make it perfect for children at the 'moving on' stage who are looking for a challenging, but rewarding read.
Gorilla Dawn Gill Lewis
OUP ISBN: 978-0192739179
Wild is the Wind
Cassi releases the swift she has nursed back to health and watches as it joins its fellows, beginning their long journey across the world. As they migrate, these tiny creatures witness dramatic landscapes and vast expanses of water. When Kȗn sees the birds arrive, he is delighted as he knows summer is coming. Having nested and raised their young, the swifts fly again, taking summer to Cassi.
This is such a special book. ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’, a celebration of water and the essential part it plays on the planet, introduced the reader to Isaac and Cassi, connected by the journey Isaac’s jar of water made across the world. ‘Wild is the Wind’ opens with Cassi as her little swift is about to embark on its migration, the tiny bird connecting her to Kȗn in another land. The wind in all its guises plays a part at every stage of the flock’s epic flight- changing the face of the earth, carrying scents on the breeze, whipping white horses on the waves…Each spread is a masterpiece, full of detail, colour and life. There is so much here to inspire and enjoy, with many stories waiting to be told. This is a book to treasure and return to again and again whether alone or with others.
The text is lyrical, making it a pleasure to read aloud. But it is also full of detail and places to pause and discuss. The migration of the birds, the wind’s role in the formation of different landscapes, in seed dispersal, in power generation, its caprices and extremes- all facets of the wind are found here. There are so many phrases to linger over and explore- perfect for any lover of language!
Absolutely stunning, ‘Wild is the Wind’ is a wonderful book to treasure and enjoy. Simply beautiful- I cannot recommend it highly enough and hope there are many more books like this yet to come.
Wild is the Wind Grahame Baker-Smith
Templar ISBN: 978-1787417854
The Rhythm of the Rain
Playing in his favourite pool on the side of his favourite mountain as the rain starts to fall, Isaac empties his jar of water into the flow of the stream and follows as it flows down the mountainside, past his house and on through the country and through the city. As the river joins the ocean, Isaac, now in his little boat, wonders where his little jar of water will go now. The story continues following the water as it becomes part of the water cycle and eventually ends up with Isaac in his mountain pool once more.
This richly illustrated book explores the never ending path a drop of water takes and the connections it makes on its journey. The flowing prose celebrates the beauty of water as it moves - its moods and rhythms depicted by carefully chosen language, offering much to discuss and enjoy for the reader.
The story is a celebration of water and all that it gives to everything on ‘our blue water-world’. The clouds release their ‘gift of water’ in a country ‘far, far away from Isaac’s pool’ where it is much needed. Wherever it goes, plants and creatures of the land, sky and sea welcome it, reminding us of how essential water is to our well-being.
This celebration of water is continued in the fabulous illustrations which adorn each spread. Rich colours reflect the different moods and motion of the water as it meanders calmly, tumbles playfully and rolls wildly. Vibrant and absorbing, each is a mini masterpiece.
Perfect for enjoying, ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ could be used as a way into work on rivers or the water cycle. It could also be used to inspire poetry and descriptive writing. Just beautiful!
The Rhythm of the Rain Grahame Baker-Smith
Templar ISBN: 978-1787410145