Brilliant Bookshops: Coutyard Books

Glastonbury is a town in Somerset, well known for its ancient and medieval sites, many rich in myths and legends. Glastonbury Tor is a hill, topped with a tower, linked to Arthurian legend, overlooking the Somerset Levels. Glastonbury is thought to have been a site for pre-Christian worship, perhaps because of its location by the Tor and most visitors agree there is a special ‘vibe’ and atmosphere to the town. With its myths, legends and ley lines, Glastonbury has become a centre for New Age culture and spiritual healing.

Courtyard Books is in the heart of Glastonbury, specialising in esoteric and occult topics. It offers a fascinating selection of titles- some of which on subjects I have never heard of- and some which I’m happy not to know more about! They do not have a children’s section here- the topics are all aimed at adult readers, reflecting the town’s interest in the magical and mystical side of life!

It’s really easy to lose yourself, browsing the shelves of new and second hand books, so make sure you allow plenty of time if you are planning a visit.

Courtyard Books

2-4 High St,

Glastonbury BA6 9DU


Brilliant Bookshops: Winstones, Sidmouth


Brilliant Bookshops: The Marlow Bookshop