Somerset Children’s Book Group

Group logo designed and drawn by Steve Antony.

Members of the Federation of Children’s Book Groups

National Non-Fiction November 2023

It’s only a month to go until November- the month in which the FCBG shines a spotlight on the importance of non-fiction- and Somerset CBG are at the heart of this year’s celebrations with our one-day conference. There is still time for booking tickets on Eventbrite or by emailing .

This month, we will be sharing information, ideas and books in preparation for the month ahead. A ‘Wonderful Water’ booklist is full of ideas of titles linked to the theme and a booklet of ideas and activities to try with groups- or at home- are available by clicking the links.

There is also a wonderful competition in association with Otter-Barry Books based on ‘Sea Change: Save the Ocean’, a wonderful collection of fifty original pictures and messages from illustrators around the world which are an appeal to save our seas and oceans. More details about how to enter can be found here.

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Group News, Group Launch, Author event Sue Wilsher Group News, Group Launch, Author event Sue Wilsher

Somerset CBG Launch

Yesterday, we were thrilled to welcome everyone to the launch of our new Somerset Children’s Book Group. After months of planning, it was wonderful to see everything coming together on the day and we couldn’t have done it without the support we received.

Children’s publisher, Nosy Crow, provided us with these gorgeous goodie bags, full of treats. Each included Fleur’s latest book, ‘Murder at Snowfall’, the new Frank and Bert story, ‘The One Where Bert Learns to Ride a Bike’ and a proof copy of either, ‘The Nowhere Thief’ by Alice M Ross or ‘My Life on Fire’ by Cath Howe, as well as the lovely Pip and Posy bags, bookmarks and postcards. It was incredibly generous of them and there were many ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ as people peeked inside! Sîan was particularly helpful and supportive and we are so grateful.

Sidcot School kindly allowed us to use their Meeting House to host the event. Their housekeeping and catering departments were brilliant, making sure we had everything we needed. We were also pleased to be joined by some students from the school who ran the raffle and helped with the teas and coffees. Thank you to all involved.

The Somerset CBG is one of the many children’s book groups up and down the country that collectively form the Federation of Children’s Book Groups. Each group is unique in its approach, but we are all united by our commitment to sharing the love of books and reading to everyone, everywhere. There has been a huge wave of support from our fellow groups and we were delighted that members from several other groups were able to join us for our launch. Book-ish people are lovely people!

Alistair (and his lovely dad!) from Books on the Hill in Clevedon came to set up a bookshop for the event. Once people had registered and gathered their goodie bag, they were quick to grab a cup of tea and spend some time browsing the wonderful range of books on offer, including a couple of exclusives. ‘Nell and the Cave Bear: The Journey Home’ by Martin Brown and ‘Winter’s Keep’ by Tamsin Mori are not available yet, but if you know the right people..!

Well known and much loved as the illustrator of the incredibly popular ‘Horrible Histories’ series, Martin Brown was our first speaker of the day. He had the audience completely enthralled as he talked his books and about the importance of drawing and teaching people the skills they need. He firmly believes that everyone has the ability to draw and his inspiring enthusiasm was infectious.

On arrival, everyone had been given a pink raffle ticket and there was a great ‘oooh’ of excitement as we announced that the winning number would receive this lovely picture (above) of Cave Bear which Martin signed and dedicated.

During the tea break, plenty of cake and biscuits were available and it was wonderful to see so many people getting their books signed and chatting to old friends and new. If any evidence was ever needed about how supportive the children’s book community is then the number of authors who attended our launch surely proves it. Anthony Burt, J M Joseph, Shauna Darling Robertson, Tamsin Mori, Rachel Delahaye, Emma Perry, Andy Seed, Anne Parsons, Laura Mucha and Cathy Faulkner plus a couple of authors who are not-yet-to-be-named all came along to offer their support as did Roy Johnson of Troika Books. Our lucky attendees were able to chat to these lovely people and get their books signed.

After the break, Fleur Hitchcock told a captivated audience about her childhood and other inspirations for writing, including a mysterious abandoned cabinet and a visit to Longleat. It was fascinating to hear about everything from the cover designs to the edits and alterations which contribute to the magic of creating a book. There were so many questions..!

Our event closed with a selection of poems performed by the joyful and exuberant Laura Mucha whose energy and enthusiasm had everyone joining in. It was the perfect way to close the perfect session.

Thank you so much to everyone who came and helped to make our launch so special. We look forward to holding more events very soon and hope to welcome many new members to the group. If you are interested in finding out more about membership, please email us

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Our new logo!

The Federation of Children’s Book Groups is a national, voluntary, self-funded organisation whose aim is to promote enjoyment and interest in children’s books and reading and to encourage the availability of books for children of all ages, from first picture books to young adult. The Somerset Group is launching at the end of January and is committed to helping teachers, parents, schools, libraries, booksellers…anyone involved in sharing books with children to promote a lifelong love of reading and books. We are particularly keen to support author events to engage as many children as possible with those who write for them.

We are delighted to be able to share our new logo, designed for us by the incredibly talented (and very kind!) Steve Antony. Bev, the group secretary, loves giraffes which formed the initial idea and Steve worked his magic with the rest! We are delighted with it as it captures the energy and enjoyment of books which each committee member feels and are so grateful to Steve for his kindness.

Steve is the author/ illustrator of some of our favourite picture books and has illustrated many others. He offers excellent school events, much loved by adults and children alike, which we highly recommend to anyone looking for an engaging, enthusiastic author/illustrator. He also makes an excellent judge of pumpkins-as-book-characters competitions! You can find out more about Steve and his work on his website.

We look forward to sharing more book group news soon!

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