There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Rewilders
Esme is annoyed and braced for boredom when she’s sent to stay with her gran for the weekend, until she discovers a terrible mistake. Cora, the abandoned kitten Gran found on the Rothiecraig Estate, is in fact a wild lynx kit and she is growing—fast!
Suddenly, Esme find herself on a dangerous mission to rewild Cora, along with Callum Docherty for company, the school’s ‘bad boy’, and Shug, the worst guard dog in the world.
The situation takes a terrifying turn when the children pitch their tents on a bleak Highland moor and hear wolves howling outside… (synopsis from book cover)
‘The Rewilders’ is a wonderful read, a compelling mixture of adventure and the importance of true friendship with a healthy dose of environmental and conservation issues, offering the reader plenty to think about.
Esme and Callum’s relationship handled with great skill by the author. Esme is part of a group of ‘friends’ who torment Callum at school. These ‘good’ girls provoke him, causing him to end up in trouble whilst they escape without blame. Callum lives with foster mother, Sadie, feeling settled at last after a series of unhappy placements. Supportive and nurturing, this has been his longest-and happiest- placement, if not for school. The narrative is told from alternating perspectives and Esme is forced to consider her attitude towards Callum and through this to re-evaluate her friendship with the other girls in her class, particularly Isobel. Sadly, there are sure to be many readers who will empathise with her concern about getting on the wrong side of this ‘friend’, hopefully leading to discussions and better understanding of the negative nature of this type of ‘friendship’.
The countryside in all its glory is vividly described and the joy and healing power of nature works its magic on the reader as well as the children. The topic of rewilding is sensitively explored with a balanced view being offered and the feeling that compromise and co-operation are needed to make such projects successful.
‘The Rewilders’ is an excellent read with a beautiful cover that has much to offer readers looking for something a little different.
The Rewilders Lindsay Littleson
Cranachan Publishing Limited ISBN: 9781911279938