
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

The Story Shop: Anchors Away!

In Puddletown High Street, nestled between the hairdresser’s and the hardware store, is the most unusual shop- The Story Shop- where shopkeeper, Wilbur, and his assistant, Fred Ferret, sell adventures that their customers can actually BE in! So when Pearl Johnson, famous explorer, calls in, Wilbur suggests she sets off on a swashbuckling pirate adventure. But will everything go according to plan..?

Containing three linked stories, ‘The Story Shop: Anchors Away!’ offers a wonderful reading experience for emergent readers. The book is full of Tony Neal’s lively illustrations which are both engaging and entertaining, adding much to the humour of the stories!

In her adventure, the very confident (bossy!-Fred) Pearl first meets some very un-pirate-like pirates and helps them to steal back the Black Pearl from the crew of the Scabby Seagull with a sneaky plan! Although things don’t go quite according to plan, fortunately, Fred is on hand to nudge things in the right direction. Once finished here, they cause trouble in a pirate competition involving earning points in a raft race, building a shelter and cooking a delicious supper before setting off on a treasure hunt. Their final adventure involves a mysterious pirate ghost before heading back to the Story Shop.

Each adventure is full of fun and told in a light-hearted, pacey style which keeps the reader engaged and keen to find out what happens next. Having three stories in one book makes the book achievable for newly independent readers, offering a sense of achievement as they complete each tale.

‘The Story Shop’ is a lovely series, celebrating the power of the imagination and story telling. Children will have great fun creating their own Story Shop adventures- and are sure to look forward to Wilbur and Fred’s next adventure!

The Story Shop: Anchors Away!

Tracey Corderoy, illustrated by Tony Neal

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788953269

You can read my review of ‘The Story Shop: Blast Off!’ here and join me for a Q and A with Tracey this coming Friday!

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