
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Nature Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Nature Sue Wilsher

The Star Whale

Petr Horáček’s gorgeous illustrations are inspiring. Luminous colours glow from every spread as his artwork captures different creatures, habitats and ideas. It is almost impossible to chose a favourite as turning each page reveals new treasure to be lingered over and wondered at. Is it any wonder, then, that Nicola Davies took inspiration from his artwork and created the poems that accompany them?

‘Spider and Wind’ is set against a background in which Petr Horáček somehow manages to capture both the fragility and strength of these creatures and the ‘silver harp’ which they spin whilst the Furze Pig/Urchin/Hotchi Witchi emerges from a cascade of autumnal leaves as Nicola’s words lament how rarely these once-familiar creatures are now seen. In ‘Kingfisher’, Petr captures the ‘small glint of wonder’ in his painting as surely as Nicola does with her words.

For a teacher, there is so much here to inspire and develop creativity and curiosity. To catch sight of an illusive hedgehog, to identify the ‘puff of feathers’ that is a goldfinch, to discuss and discover the ‘names of a butterfly’ and their origins- to explore the wonders of the world and then try to capture something of their essence through art and word- this is a book bursting with potential! However, it is also a book to linger over and to love, to curl up with and dream, to share again and again and again…

The Star Whale

Nicola Davies and Petr Horáček

Otter-Barry ISBN: 978-1915659095

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Myths Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Myths Sue Wilsher

Gods and Monsters: Mythological Poems

Combing two of my favourite things-poetry and mythology, ‘Gods and Monsters’ was always going to be a personal reading paradise, but this fabulous collection exceeded even my high expectations! It is a veritable dragon’s horde of joy in poem form.

Loosely grouped into ten sections, the book covers poems reflecting a diverse range of myths and legends from across the world, written by an incredible range of poets. Through these works, readers will re-encounter old favourites and discover a wealth of new ones whether they work their way through the collection as a whole of dip in and out as they please.

Many of the poems included are perfect for using as a story time, enriching children’s experience of poetry and expanding their knowledge of ‘the old stories’. ‘Arachnophobia’ by Kate Wise offers a perfect starting point for discovering the story of Athene and Arachne and the etymology of the title whilst the poem ‘Did you know earthquakes come from a catfish?’ explores the Japanese mythology. There are so many poems which could lead to further discovery as well as being enjoyed in their own right.

Classics like ‘The Odyssey’ and ‘Jabberwocky’ mingle with more recent works. The opening poem, ‘Faith’ by Dawn McLachlan, was new to me and is now a firm favourite! There are humorous poems- ‘Mrs Icarus’ (Carol Ann Duffy) or ‘Going to Bed’ (A F Harrold), for example- as well as moving ones, all beautifully illustrated by the incomparable Chris Riddell whose skill manages to capture each mood and feeling.

Gods and Monsters: Mythological Poems

Chosen by Ana Sampson, illustrated by Chris Riddell

Macmillan ISBN: 978-1035023011

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Animals Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Animals Sue Wilsher

A Whale of a Time: A Funny Poem for Every Day of the Year

The latest in Nosy Crow’s beautiful cloth bound poetry anthologies, ‘A Whale of a Time’ offers a humorous poem for each day of the year. Sharing works from all over the world, the collection uses regional spellings to remain faithful to the original voice of each poet.

Arranged month by month, each section has its own contents page, making it easy to locate, not only the poem for the day, but any work in that section, encouraging readers to return to favourites again and again. There are so many treasures here, each bringing laughter and brightening the day. One poem by Celia Warren made me smile as it reminded me of so many bedtimes- of my own son, of nieces and nephews, of friends’ little ones- and is sure to be a night time favourite, causing giggles as children recognise their own tactics!

As well as being amusing, there are poems which suit different times of the year. The 5th of November has a funny firework poem, the end of October features spooky poems and there is a Christmassy feel around the end of December. Pancakes and love appear in February and fools in April. Each page is an absolute joy, helping to add a sprinkle of poetry to each day of the year.

The illustrations complement the poems brilliantly! ‘Daddy Fell into the Pond’ - a great personal favourite - written by Alfred Noyes (better known for ‘The Highwayman’!) is accompanied by the perfect picture, capturing all its charm! Elsewhere smiling cats, laughing children and happy hares add to the exuberance and appeal of the collection, which looks stunning alongside ‘I Am the Seed That Grew the Tree: A Nature Poem for Every Day of the Year’ and ‘Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright: An Animal Poem for Every Day of the Year’.

 A Whale of a Time: A Funny Poem for Every Day of the Year

Selected by Lou Peacock, illustrated by Matt Hunt

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839942013

Published 14th September 2023

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Nature Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Nature Sue Wilsher

Our Earth is a Poem

Shell of the sunrise,

sunrise shell,

yours is the pink lip

of a pearled world.

‘Our Earth is a Poem’ joins ‘Courage in a Poem’ and ‘My Heart is a Poem’ as the third in this beautiful series of poetry books from Little Tiger. As with the two previous volumes, this collection offers a carefully selected, wide range of poems, but this time on the theme of nature.

And what a selection it is! Perfect for using at home and in school, these are poems which capture moments of nature’s beauty, closely observe the environment and marvel at the wonders around us. Nature in this collection is the whole jigsaw of life which makes our world.

‘Mud’ revels in the joy of a child playing in the dirt, valuing the fundamental contribution this makes to life whilst ‘Winter Poem’ celebrates the magic of snow. Robert Macfarlane’s ‘Otter’ is a stunning example of an acrostic poem, which uses a wealth of poetic devices to capture the enigmatic beauty of that creature. The range of styles and subjects is a joy, making it a pleasure to share and very easy for poetry to be slipped into story time routines at home and school as well as being a collection which children will, no doubt, love to explore for themselves.

The collection is delightfully illustrated by four artists who capture the essence of the poems in their differing styles. Like the poems they capture, the illustrations offer much to discuss and enjoy. I love the joy of the picture which accompanies ‘Your Dresses’ by carol Ann Duffy and the humour which fills the one for John Agard’s ‘Laughter’s Favourite Animal’.

Biographies of both poets and illustrators are given at the end of the book, something which I feel is really important. It is so wonderful to be able to see the creator of something which you have enjoyed and may well lead to further discoveries or new interests. There is also a note about the use of both British and American English in the collection, reflecting the roots of the work and its maker.

A stunning collection!

Poems by: Margarita Engle, Diana Hendry, Grace Nichols, Robert Macfarlane, Ruth Awolola, Naomi Shihab Nye, Zaro Weil, Rachel Plummer, Joyce Sidman, Carol Ann Duffy, Jack Prelutsky, Mary Anne Hoberman, Nikki Giovanni, Jan Dean, Rebecca Perry, Sue Hardy-Dawson, Janet Wong, Jay Hulme and Tom Denbigh

Artwork by: Annalise Barber, Mariana Roldan, Masha Manapov and Nabila Adani

To be published on August 3rd 2023

You can read my review of ‘Courage in a Poem’ here and ‘My Heart is a Poem’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Trees, Nature Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Trees, Nature Sue Wilsher

My Heart Was a Tree

My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

-Ted Hughes

Inspired by the bluebell woods behind his house, the story of Jean Giono (the man who planted trees) and the poem the above quote is taken from, ‘My Own True Family’, this book is a love song to trees.

Yuval’s glorious illustrations make the book visually stunning, a fitting tribute to the lush richness of trees and the abundant life which they support. From the insect and leaf strewn end papers and hard cover under hidden beneath the dust jacket to the , each page is beautifully decorated.

The collection contains both stories and poems, some taking the viewpoint of the trees themselves, some about the animals who live in and around them and some about the people who rely on their bounty. One of my favourites, ‘I Was There’ is written as if by an olive tree which witnesses Penelope, wife of Odysseus, longing for her husband, his return and then the writing of the poem by Homer. Another, ‘A Whisper of Blossom’, is accompanied by a note about van Gogh’s painting ‘Almond Blossom’, giving the reader some context for the poem. ‘The Singing Tree’, having survived bombing, sees life return once more, a symbol of hope and renewal.

The poems and stories in this collection are ideal for sharing, exploring and enjoying, perfect for school and home alike. It is a treasure trove of treats, celebrating the majesty and beauty of trees.

My Heart was a Tree: Poems and Stories to Celebrate Trees

Michael Morpurgo, illustrated by Yuval Zommer

Two Hoots ISBN: 978-1529094794

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

The Moon’s Gorgonzola

The shell in my hand

Takes me back to the sea

Back to sand in my toes

Fish and chips for tea

‘The Moon’s Gorgonzola’ is a wonderful collection of poems, perfect for exciting younger children about the power of poetry. Divided into different themes, the poems cover a wide range of subjects, reflecting a range of moods.

Although the poems can be enjoyed independently, many are perfect for sharing, reading aloud and performing, making this an invaluable collection for teachers to add to their poetry shelves. There is plenty of word play to enjoy and explore, rhyming patterns and echoes which call out to be whispered, shouted, spoken and sung and plenty of onomatopoeia bouncing and zipping along. There are funny poems, sad poems, reflective poems and silly poems, reflecting everyday life experiences and the emotions which come with them.

There are poems which could be used as models to inspire children to create their own work- ‘Listen’, for example. Some have a note from poet, Debra Bertulis, alongside them, offering suggestions for how to create a poem. There are additional notes at the end of the book which are also helpful to budding poets and their supporters! The book is enhanced by Zoe Williams’ lively illustrations.

The Moon’s Gorgonzola

Debra Bertulis, illustrated by Zoe Williams

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745302

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Courage Out Loud

Using a wide range of poetic forms and structures, ‘Courage Out Loud’ is a wonderful collection of poems which explores many ways of being brave and facing fears.

The book not only shares expressions of courage from Joseph, but actively encourages the reader to create their own, reminding them of the power of poetry to communicate their feelings and offering advice and guidance for both performing and writing.

Each poem is prefaced by a little comment from Joseph, offering some context or information about the poetic form. There are many poems here which could be used with classes as well as individual children.  ‘Have a Little Cry’ is a lovely piece which reminds the reader how a little cry can make us feel better as there is ‘courage in every tear’.  Other poems focus on particular occasions when courage is called for – diving into a pool, going on a rollercoaster or speaking out in front of an audience.

The whole collection is accompanied by lively, colourful illustrations which perfectly capture the mood of each poem. This book sits perfectly alongside the two previous volumes: ‘Poems Aloud’ and ‘Smile Out Loud’. I hope there are more books to come in this series!

Courage Out Loud

Joseph Coelho, illustrated by Daniel Gray-Barnett

Wide Eyed Editions ISBN: 978-0711279193

Published 23rd March 2023

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: A Passing on of Shells

‘A Passing on of Shells’ is a collection of 50 poems, each written using fifty words. There is much to enjoy here as Simon Lamb uses a variety of poetic styles and techniques, offering an ingenious selection of work on many themes.

The collection opens with ‘How to Start an Adventure’, the perfect way to fire the imagination and encourage creativity. Many of the poems here are perfect for performing like ‘The Satsuma Rumour’ or ‘Garden Phantoms’ whilst others provoke thinking and discussion. ‘They Built a Bridge’, ‘What We Wear’ and ‘A Line in the Sand’ would all be brilliant as part of a circle time or PSHE session.

‘You Make Me So Acrostic’ will elicit a wry smile from many teachers! Many believe the acrostic form is an easy one to use; however, as this poem suggests, if poorly taught, it can result in the most appallingly contrived, stilted pieces. This amusing poem would make an excellent starting point for discussions about the form, perhaps whilst tactfully looking at a variety of examples! Many of the poems here would make excellent models to inspire a class- or an individual- to create their own, perhaps adhering to the 50 words theme or not!

Others are just beautiful poetry moments which effortlessly capture a mood or feeling. I love ‘Snow Globes’, ‘Still Earth’ and ‘Pocket Poem’ and know I will return to these again and again. The title of the collection is a line from ‘Life on the Rock’, a beautiful reflective work, sure to provoke discussion- and the perfect title for this book!

The whole collection is lavishly illustrated by Chris Riddell whose wonderful illustrations capture the mood of each poem perfectly- humorous, pensive, poignant- and will encourage children to make their own artistic responses to the poems. Each poem and its picture is to be dwelt on and enjoyed- a fabulous collection!

A Passing on of Shells: 50 Fifty Word Poems

Simon Lamb, illustrated by Chris Riddell

Scallywag Press ISBN: 978-1915252128

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Pause for Poetry: You Are Not Alone

‘You Are Not Alone’ is Shauna’s second poetry collection. Each poem is on the theme of mental health and well-being, making it a powerful, thought-provoking treasure trove for individuals, classrooms and families to share, explore and express their feelings.

The book is divided into five sections- Sometimes like a Wild Horse and Sometimes Like Disco Lights’, ‘What if I’m Not the Shape of the Boxes on Offer?’, ‘I Asked the Edge, the Edge Said Yes’, ‘The Crate of Air That Will Change Everything’ and ‘Happiness is a Hummingbird.’ - and cover a huge variety of feelings and experiences. Readers are sure to find those which speak directly to them, those which make them pause for thought, those which make them empathise and those which make them cry.

I was caught by the pace and imagery of ‘I’m Juggling a Hundred Full Stops’. ‘Suvi’ reminded me of children I have taught and made me cry. I was fascinated by ‘If We Have More Words for Good Things, Do We Feel Better?’. There are so many poems here to comment on- and which I will return to regularly.

The collection offers a rich source of material with which to support and develop understanding of emotions, encouraging empathy and self-awareness, a recognition that others may have similar experiences and an outlet for pent up worries and fears.

The addition of notes about the poems at the end of the book makes for fascinating reading and can be used as a starting point for further reading. An excellent collection which should not be missed!

You Are Not Alone Shauna Darling Robertson

Troika ISBN: 978-1912745173

You can read my review of ‘Saturdays at the Imaginarium’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: My Heart is a Poem

‘My Heart is a Poem’ is a wonderful collection of poems, carefully selected to explore feelings and emotions. From happiness to misery, from excitement to anger, the poems here give voice to a wealth of emotions, sharing the experiences of others to help the reader make sense of their own.

There are so many poems here to enjoy, each beautifully illustrated. Whilst the collection is perfect of an individual to browse and enjoy, this collection also offers so much potential for use in school or for adults to share with children struggling to express their own feelings. Coral Rumble’s poignant poem, ‘Ache’, explores being left out of playground games, offering a perfect starting point for reflection and discussion during a circle time or assembly. ‘Stomp’ by Nikki Grimes is an explosion of emotion, empowering the reader with a way to ‘unload my hurt, my rage’ and discover, through using the written word, the ‘power to decide which words matter, which words don’t, and whose.’

‘Sadness’ by Nikita Gill is a breathtakingly beautiful moment of a poem, offering reassurance and hope, reminding us of the importance of acknowledging this emotion and embracing it so it is possible to move on. Personification is also used by Ruth Awolola whose poem ‘Talking to Tomorrow’ captures the giddy joy of anticipation for things to come. 'In ‘Blackbird’ by Rachel Plummer, the reader discovers ‘the secret of flying’.

This is a treasure trove of words which capture our emotions, encouraging empathy and compassion, giving a voice to a wealth of feelings. It really is a collection for everyone- a very special addition to any bookshelf.

My Heart is a Poem: Poetry About Feelings


Mandy Coe Laura Mucha Nikki Grimes Naomi Shihab Nye Debjani Chatterjee Coral Rumble Kate Wakeling John Agard Karl Nova James Carter Valerie Bloom Janet Wong Joseph Coelho Ken Nesbitt Jack Prelutsky Nikita Gill Jay Hulme Rachel Plummer Ruth Awolola Elaine Laron


Annalise Barber Mariana Roldan Masha Manapov Nabila Adani

Little Tiger ISBN: 9781838914400

You can read my review of ‘Courage in a Poem’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Humour, Younger readers Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Humour, Younger readers Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: A Ticket to Kalamazoo!

Bursting with energy and exuberance, ‘A Ticket to Kalamazoo!’ is the perfect collection for encouraging and developing a love of poetry. These are poems which are crying out to be shared, performed and discussed time and time again, whatever mood you are in! Although pitched for younger readers, there are poems here to be enjoyed by all ages, including those which would work brilliantly as models to inspire children to create and write their own.

The collection is wonderfully interactive! Families or classes could invent their own actions for each of the creatures as they practise counting to ten without realising. As the poem suggests, ‘it might be nice just once or twice to do the ten again!’ There are fun riddles to solve and plenty to laugh about as you have a ‘handful of fun’, do the ‘Goldilocks Rap’ or visit the bug hotel.

Full of colour and fun, each poem is brilliantly illustrated by Neal Layton, making the book instantly appealing. Equally excellent for home or school, this is a must have collection for inspiring poets of the future and kindling a life-long love of words and their playfulness.

A Ticket to Kalamazoo! Zippy Poems to Read Out Loud

James Carter, illustrated by Neal Layton

Otter-Barry Books ISBN: 978-1913074104

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Selfies with Komodos

Brian Moses is one of our best-known, best-loved children’s poets whose abundance of poems are read, enjoyed, performed and shared everywhere! His website is a treasure trove of ideas for writing poems, sure to tempt even the most metrophobic amongst us and the perfect place for teachers to find inspiration for their classes. His latest collection, ‘Selfies with Komodos’, has something for everyone.

‘Lost in a Book’ is a wonderful poem, perfect for teachers to share with classes and inspire the creation of their own versions, exploring stories which they know and love whilst discussing the joy that can be found by being ‘lost in a book’. ‘Librarians’ is another moment of joy, celebrating the essential role they play.

Some of the poems are accompanied by notes, offering additional explanation or information to help the reader understand them. For example, Brian explains where the inspiration for ‘The Sea’s Ghosts’ came from- a wonderfully atmospheric piece- and offers the definition of ‘flip-flop words’. So many of these poems would make brilliant models for children to create their own and encourage a love of word play and experimentation.

There are humorous poems, thought-provoking poems, ‘silly’ poems…so much to love! Packed with fun illustrations by Ed Boxall, this is an essential collection for home- school- everywhere!

Selfies With Komodos Brian Moses, illustrated by Ed Boxall

Otter-Barry ISBN: 978-1913074098

Published 19th January

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Christmas Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Christmas Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: We Wish You a Merry Christmas

I have quite a collection of Christmas poetry books gathered over the years so might be asked why I needed another one. Well, firstly, you can never have too many picture books and secondly, this one has been illustrated by Chris Riddell- so ask no more!

This collection offers a real pocketful of Christmas cheer, containing both traditional gems and more recent Christmas classics. Carols like ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’, ‘The Holly and the Ivy’ and ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’, are included alongside Benjamin Zephaniah’s modern classic, ‘Talking Turkeys’- much loved in schools everywhere!

There are moments of poignancy amid the Christmas cheer, provoking thought and reflection. Brian Moses’s ‘Going Home’ and Lemn Sissay’s ‘Let There Be Peace’ make the reader pause and reflect whilst Jackie Kay’s ‘Promise’ looks forward to the New Year.

A collection with something for everyone, ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Other Festive Poems’ is lavishly illustrated by Chris Riddell, making it a visual treat as well as a poetic one. Perfect for dipping in and out of over the festive season, this is a beautiful compilation, a gift which is sure to lay the foundation for a new family tradition of sharing poems at Christmas.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Other Festive Poems

Chosen and illustrated by Chris Riddell

Macmillan ISBN: 978-1529086423

You can read my review of ‘The Big Amazing Poetry Book’ here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: The Wild Verses

‘The Wild Verses’ is a lovely collection of verse, offering comfort and calm as it explores a whole range of emotions and feelings. Each verse is accompanied by Sarah Maycock’s stunning illustrations of animals and birds, making the book a visual treat as well.

The poems are grouped into sections- Joy, Hard Times, Family, Strength and Love- enabling the reader to choose verse to match their mood or to browse and select at random. The title page of each section offers a quote from a famous writer- John Keats, Emily Dickinson, Louise May Alcott- whose wise words set the tone for the poems which follow. In her introduction, Helen Mort explains that the reader will find ‘a different mind-landscape for every mood’ in this collection with art and language combining as an ‘invitation to stand back for a moment’. There are so many poems to enjoy, to reflect upon and to linger over here, offering those ‘still moments’ which we all deserve.

It is always a challenge to select a few favourites to comment on from a collection! Different poems appeal at different times and to different moods, but one of my best loved has to be ‘Duo’ with its gorgeous illustration of a bear and a giraffe. Another is ‘The Painter’ which I think would be brilliant to use as a model with children for creating their own versions as well as for the beauty of the thought it captures!

Subtitled ‘Nature poems on love, hope and healing’, ‘The Wild Verses’ is a collection to savour, to meditate with, to muse on. The book concludes with tips on how to be more mindful which many readers may find useful and seek to incorporate these wonderful words and pictures into their well-being moments.

The Wild Verses Helen Mort, illustrated by Sarah Maycock

Big Picture Press ISBN: 978-1800784765

You can read my review of ‘Love is…’ and ‘Sometimes I Feel…’ both by Sarah Maycock here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Blow a Kiss, Catch a Kiss

This is a delightful collection for babies and toddlers which offers poems about their everyday experiences. Gathered into four sections- All About Me, Out and About, What Do I Feel? and At Home- Joseph’s poems capture the essence of the things which shape a little one’s day and the simple joy of these experiences.

The poems play with sounds and word families, making them easy to learn and even easier to interact with. You can’t help but join in with the ‘Dancing Families’, use the bubbles in a bath to follow the actions of ‘Bubble Pop’ or gather your own imaginative collection after reading ‘Collecting’.

There are poems which share love and hugs and those which help develop empathy and understanding of feelings. Many of the poems could be used as action rhymes- Stomp, Sneak, Dance, Blow a Kiss- which families could add their own ideas and verses to. ‘Take a Deep Breath’ is a wonderful poem for encouraging calm and could easily become part of a daily routine just as ‘Dreamtime’ is the perfect poem for ending a busy day.

Each poem is worthy of comment, but two of my favourites are ‘Take a Book from The Shelf’ and ‘Some Words’ which offer plenty to chat about as well as being great poems! Nicola Killen’s illustrations are full of fun and energy, perfectly capturing the essence of the poems.

Brilliant for home and school- a collection for everyone!

Blow a Kiss, Catch a Kiss

Joseph Coelho, illustrated by Nicola Killen

Andersen Press ISBN: 978-1839131363

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

You can read my review of The Boy Lost in the Maze here.

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Dulce et Decorum Est

In October 1917, whilst recovering from shell-shock, Wilfred Owen sent a letter to his mother which included a ‘gas poem’. This he revised and edited between January and July 1918 until it became the poem we now know as ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’.

Incredibly powerful, deeply moving, Owen’s work describes the harsh realities faced by those fighting in the trenches. My grandfather was amongst them.

We were very fortunate and my grandfather returned home; many did not.

Martin Impey and Hilary Robinson have combined their talents to create four amazing, beautiful books about Ben and Ray, friends who went to war together. These are the perfect way to introduce children to the life of soldiers in the trenches, the Christmas truce, the role of animals in war and the vital contribution of women who nursed soldiers on the battle lines (review here). Their fifth collaboration- ‘A Song for Will and the Lost Gardeners of Heligan’ - is an incredible piece of work, celebrating the lives of those who worked at Heligan in Cornwall (review tomorrow)

Illustrating ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, Martin Impey has used his incredible artistic talents to interpret Owen’s words. This is not for a younger audience, but a heart-felt, gritty interpretation of the horrors experienced by soldiers.

The book starts with a foreword contextualising the poem before showing the revisions Owen made to ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ as he edited and developed his work to its finished form. Martin has included some of these alterations as haunting shadows behind the finalised text, adding to the poem’s poignancy.

Listening to Martin speak is always a real joy as his enthusiasm for whatever he is working on and his passion for art is just incredible. I was fortunate enough to hear him speak at The Wilfred Owen Association’s Annual Birthday Lecture last year and the amount of time, effort and attention to detail he dedicates to his research is incredible. You can read more about this here.

Each page of the book is a work of art. Martin’s talent and passion match that with which Wilfred Owen wrote each line and make a worthy tribute to those who fought and a stunning memorial for them, emphasising the horrors of conflict and refuting ‘the Old Lie’.

A powerful, significant work, perfect for using at KS3.

Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, illustrated by Martin Impey

Strauss House Publishing ISBN: 978-1527218253

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Poems from the First World War/Poems from the Second World War

With Remembrance Day approaching, it seemed like the perfect time to look again at these two poignant collections of War poetry- ‘Poems from the First World War’ and ‘Poems from the Second World War’. Each collection has been compiled by Gaby Morgan and the books published in partnership with the Imperial War Museum.

Poems from the First World War is a deeply poignant and powerful collection of poems written by soldiers, nurses, mothers, sweethearts and family and friends who experienced WWI. From initial excitement and patriotism to disillusionment and regret, these poems also speak of love, courage, loyalty and confusion as the war dragged on to its conclusion.

There are poems here from familiar names. Wilfred Owen’s hauntingly beautiful words bring to life the stark realities of this brutal and devastating conflict. Kipling’s raw pain at the loss of his son echoes that of many. John McCrae’s powerful words will ensure those lying ‘In Flanders Fields’ are never forgotten. Sitting alongside these are works by Rose Macaulay, who worked as an ambulance driver for the London Auxiliary Service during the Great War, giving voice to the experiences of those fighting the war on the home front. ‘To Tony’ (aged 3) by Marjorie Wilson, sister of war poet, T P Cameron Wilson whose work is also featured in this collection, is dedicated to her brother’s memory. There are so many works in this incredible book worthy of comment and discussion, making it an essential collection for anyone looking for poems from this time.

Its companion volume, ‘Poems from The Second World War’, is just as special. This collection starts in 1939 and shows how war affected daily life as well as the lives of those in the forces. May Hill’s poem, “The Casualties Were Small” speaks clearly of the aching personal losses covered by the impersonal words reporting them. ‘Leave’ by John Buxton and ‘Leave Poem’ by Annie Bulley capture the pain of separation. ‘I Keep Forgetting’ by Lily Brett reminds the reader of things that must not be forgotten. As with the previous collection, each poem contained here has been chosen with the greatest care to reflect the voices and experiences of those whose lives were inescapably altered by living at this time- and whose voices should always be heard.

Two fabulous collections which encourage empathy and understanding of wartime experience through the words of those who were there.

Poems of the First World War selected by Gaby Morgan

Macmillan in partnership with the Imperial War Museum

ISBN: 978-1447248644

Poems of the Second World War selected by Gaby Morgan

Macmillan in partnership with the Imperial War Museum

ISBN: 978-1447284994

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Picture Book Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Picture Book Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: Bookworms

I had the great pleasure of hearing Nyanda Foday talking poetry with Joseph Coelho at the SLG Conference. Her passion for poetry- for words- was truly inspiring and during the talk she shared her new book, ‘Bookworms’ with the audience. This beautiful picture book contains a stunning poem which celebrates the the importance of the stories in our lives which reflect us and our experiences, comfort us and anchor us.

The poem is breathtaking, showing how books can offer a sense of belonging, supporting those who are struggling socially, and be a guiding light to those in need, full of stunning lines which encapsulate the most complex emotions.

Sometimes a book is the sole piece of driftwood to cling to

when it feels like your life is going down with the ship.

It champions the need for representation in books so everyone can see themselves and ‘be the protagonist instead of the scenery’.

Every page is beautifully illustrated by Joelle Avelino with my favourite being the picture of the little girl hugging a book. This inspirational poem is perfect for sharing with much to discuss and reflect upon- and not just for children.

Bookworms Nyanda Foday, illustrated by Joelle Avelino

Andersen Press ISBN: 978-1839131486

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: The Dream Train

If you’d like a good night’s rest,

you’ll find this advice is wise.

When you go to sleep…

don’t forget to close your eyes.

In his first poetry collection, Sean Taylor offers a wonderful selection for sharing at bedtime. Organised into three sections- Night Arrives, Shut-Your-Eyes Time and Dream Wheels Turning- the book contains a magical range of verse.

The range of styles and moods offered by these poems makes the collection an excellent starting point for developing a child’s love of poetry. Some are gentle lullabies, soothing and comforting a child to sleep; others are for questioning, inspiring new ideas. The book is a celebration of the gift of being read to at bedtime, reflected in the fact that one of Sean’s poems was inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘The Land of Counterpane’ which his mother used to read to him at bedtime.

‘Asked by a Pillow’ is a selection of questions asking ‘how many…’ . Children will love to add to these, customising the poem into one of their own and allowing them to ‘write’ a poem without even realising. There is plenty of gentle humour in these pages- ‘Cave Bear’s Snore’ or ‘Ducks Like to Dream’, for example. Many are wrapped in the love and security of togetherness, of family, of home. ‘The Blanket’ shows a connection between generations- how something made with love can act as a living reminder.

With their lyrical flow, there are many poems here which children will absorb easily and join in with. ‘Moonrise. Bat flies. Night skies. Sleepy sighs…’ words which trip off the tongue, with the first words reflected in the last, making these bedtime poems extra special as they become interactive and shared.

Visually, this book is a complete joy. Anuska Allepuz’s work has a dream-like quality, enhanced by muted, calming colour choices. There is plenty to explore on each spread, imaginative details to enjoy and stories to tell. ‘The Dream Train’ would make a stunning gift to treasure and share through- and for- generations.

The Dream Train: Poems for Bedtime

Sean Taylor, illustrated by Anuska Allepuz

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406387902

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Environmental Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Environmental Sue Wilsher

Pause for Poetry: National Poetry Day 2022

This week, I have been pausing for poetry every day in celebration of National Poetry Day -today! The theme this year is the Environment, offering plenty of poems to choose from and plenty of inspiration for writing so here are just a few favourites which celebrate our environment in some way!

Sun Shines…Wind Blows…Water Flows…Earth Spins…

Fire Leaps…Life Grows…Ice Chills…Moon Rises…

Even the section headings of this stunning book read like a poem as the words it contains take the reader on a poetic journey round the planet. Each has been lovingly selected to capture the beauty of our world. The cover is flecked with gold, showing all manner of creatures circling the planet, tempting the reader inside.

The collection offers traditional gems like ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake, Christina Rossetti’s ‘Who Has Seen the Wind?’ and ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ by Wordsworth, crediting the last two lines to his wife as well as more modern treasures like ‘De’ by Valerie Bloom and ‘Earth Song’ by A F Harrold. There are so many poems here which could be enjoyed by a class- for reading and enjoying, for performing, for learning and for working around. Many could lead to further discovery- Grace Nichols’s ‘The People Could Fly’, for example or ‘With One Breath (Just One Breath!) by Simon Mole as notes offering additional information are added.

A fabulous collection, ‘Poems from a Green and Blue Planet’ is a beautifully illustrated volume - a great addition to any bookshelf!

Poems from a Green and Blue Planet

edited by Sabrina Mahfouz,

illustrated by Aaron Cushley

Hodder ISBN: 978-1444951240

This wonderful collection of poems focuses on the sleeping habits of various animals with the bonus of additional information which explains the science in a very child friendly manner. It offers a fascinating look at something which we all take for granted. When, where and how these animals sleep is surprisingly varied and each poem offers a glimpse of a creature at rest. 

Each poem combines scientific fact and beautiful language, offering something really different to explore with a class. Sperm whales, for example, sleep either nose down or tail down, for (it has been estimated) less than an hour and a half a day, drifting in pods. Two toed sloths, on the other hand, sleep for up to sixteen hours a day. Research suggests that the male Zebra finch practises and refines it song whilst dreaming, adding ‘little flourishes’ to make its song unique…

Other birds may dream of worms

Or flower beds or thunderstorms

But in his dreams this bird performs

A song, each night refined.

Each poem is worthy of mention, but I particularly enjoyed ‘Trees are Where the Lions Lie’.

Each poem is accompanied by a stunning illustration of the slumbering creature, from the hand-holding otters to the napping fire ants. This is a book of wonder and beauty which will inspire the scientist, the wordsmith and the artist. A must have for every classroom!

A Songbird Dreams of Singing: Animal Poems to Share at Bedtime

Kate Hosford, illustrated by Jennifer M Potter

Penguin ISBN: 978-0241421116


Winner of the 2015 NSTBA Poetry Category with 'Buzzing', Anneliese Emmans Dean has created another fabulous collection of poems- this time, all about British birds. Grouped by season, the poems celebrate our feathered friends whilst 'Bird Box' and 'Egg Head' fact files offer additional information.

The book contains poems about all our favourite garden birds, in a range of forms. The beautiful photography perfectly frames the poems, (except for the Little Owl clutching the dead creature!) Each poem is perfect for performing, with playful language choices. They could be used for individual performances or group presentations. Many could inspire children to compose their own poems, perhaps learning more about one of these wonderful creatures on the way. 

The additional information offered with each poem is fascinating, perfect for finding out more about each bird whilst enjoying the poem. The bird's classification is also included which is very useful for the Year 6 classification work in science where 'pupils might find out about the significance of the work of scientists such as Carl Linnaeus, a pioneer of classification'. The size of each is also included, making it easy to compare and contrast the different species.

A delightful selection of poems which will lead children to find out more about the birds in our gardens. Brilliant!

Anneliese sadly passed away on 30/05/22.

Flying High! Anneliese Emmans Dean

Brambleby Books     ISBN: 978-1908241504

I love the Natural History Museum and have so many happy memories of visiting as a child and in turn taking my child (and those of others on school trips) into the magnificent building that is such a treasure trove of ‘wonder’.

‘Wonder’ is a stunning collection of poems, grouped into sections reflecting the different treasures the museum houses. The book feels as carefully curated as the museum itself as it is obvious that much thought has been given to the range of poems included and how they have been organised.

A wide range of poets has been included, offering traditional and modern, humour and pathos, but all celebrating the wonders of our incredible planet. There are many familiar, much-loved names here, but even poetry fans are sure to find new gems in this collection. There are so many poems to enjoy here it is almost impossible to select a few to name, but I love ‘Waterlily’ by Sean Hewett, ‘Solar System Candy’ by Gita Ralleigh and ‘#Extinction Rebellion’ by Pascale Petit.

This collection makes is so easy for a teacher to add a little poetry across the curriculum! Familiar primary science and geography topics like volcanoes and space are included and there are many animals represented. There are too many examples to comment on, but Jan Dean’s poem, ‘Remembering Mary’ is perfect for celebrating the life and work of Mary Anning and ‘Remember More for his Beard Now’ by Philip Ardagh introduces Darwin, both accompanied by notes from the author.

Notes from the author are peppered throughout, offering additional explanation and detail. There are also many black and white illustrations relating to the poems.

I can’t recommend this collection highly enough and will be sharing with colleagues in school as well as suggesting it as a read for our teacher book groups. A WONDERful book!

Wonder: The Natural History Museum Poetry Book

Ana Sampson

Macmillan ISBN: 978-1529058994

Happy National Poetry Day- let’s celebrate all year!

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