The Whisperling

There’s no such thing as ghosts…unless you need their help.

Peggy Devona is a Whisperling. She can talk to those who have passed, should they wish it, during ‘the burn’, the moment when their spirit is at its most powerful. However, in the small English village where she lives, there are many who are afraid of such people so she hides her ability. However, when her best friend, Sally, is accused of murdering Lady Stanton, the rich lady she works for, Peggy knows she must use her gift to save Sally from the gallows.

I absolutely adored this story and found the note from the author at the end of the book really fascinating. Compelling from the outset, the story has a wonderful gothic feel as it explores Victorian attitudes to death and the afterlife as well as the harsh realities of punishments and labour conditions at this time.

Peggy is a wonderful character. Fiercely loyal, her friendship with Sally means the world to her and she shows great courage, determination and resilience as she works to solve the mystery surrounding Lady Stanton’s death. Sent from her home for her safety when the villagers discover that she is a Whisperling, she escapes to Bristol to live with her Uncle Bletchley, who runs seances at his Psychic Emporium. Here, she meets Cecily and Oti, the girls who work for her uncle, and learns to trust them as they help her in her quest to save Sally.

There is so much to love about this story…but I would hate to spoil it for anyone so am reluctant to say too much. The references to Bristol are fascinating and there are moments of great poignancy and love throughout. Highly recommended to one and all!

The Whisperling

Hayley Hoskins, illustrated by Kristina Kister

Puffin Books ISBN: 978-0241514504


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