The Torto-saurus

Dot is starting a new school and wants to make friends…but perhaps she’ll start tomorrow. She likes to take things slowly so Monty, her tortoise, makes the perfect pet. However, when her new teacher asks the class about their pets and a classmate called Jude announces that they have a tortoise too, another girl makes a mocking comment so Dot claims she has a torto-saurus. Having dressed him up, she brings Monty to school where he soon becomes a celebrity. But even though he doesn’t want to disappoint Dot, Monty is not comfortable in the limelight and removes his costume. Initially angry, Dot soon realises that she has forced Monty to be someone he isn’t and gains the confidence to be true to herself.

‘The Torto-saurus’ is an absolute delight of a book! Many children (and adults!) will see themselves in Dot, who, shy and uncertain, finds taking that first step towards others so hard. In an attempt to fit in, Dot tries to change her best friend- her pet- failing to recognise that the qualities she is trying to change in him are what make him her perfect companion! True friendship is all about accepting others for who they are and valuing them for these qualities. Dot’s claim about her pet didn’t actually help her as everyone’s interest was focused on her ‘torto-saurus’ and it certainly didn’t help Monty. In the end, being herself and allowing Monty to be himself allows her to form a new friendship and for them both to be happy!

The illustrations are really lovely. Dot’s face goes through a wonderful range of expressions as she experiences a roller-coaster ride of emotions, offering plenty to linger over and encourage discussion and empathy as the story develops. Monty’s feelings can also be explored as he strives to to please his friend- but cannot keep up the deception and be happy.

The book would make an excellent book for story time both at home and school, but would also make a brilliant choice for an assembly. It is such a lovely read- and sure to become a firm favourite!

The Torto-saurus

Katie Cottle

Little Tiger ISBN: 9781838917264

Publishing on the 6th March 2025

You can read my review of The Green Giant here and The Blue Giant here.


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