The Bee Who Loved Words

Persephone is a little bee who loves big words. As she collects them and writes them everywhere, everyone thinks she is very clever- except Queen Hermione who thinks she should spend more time hunting for flowers. But when words are needed, it’s Persephone who comes to the rescue!

Words are the most amazing things- and this book is brimming with word play, celebrating the importance of language and the power it has to make a difference! ‘The Bee Who Loved Words’ combines this joy with the importance of protecting bees and flowers, offering much to discuss and discover.

The book is a joy to read aloud, combining wonderfully rich vocabulary with bouncy, rhyming text. Children are sure to want to build their own collection of words as they encounter them just as Persephone does, finding pleasure in their sound, their meaning and the fun of using a wide and varied vocabulary! It is a gift to teachers wishing to encourage words collecting and inspire children to use them!

The illustrations are as joyful as the text! Persephone’s face expresses a wealth of emotions through the story and there are so many details to notice and enjoy in each spread. There is a delightful book and one which is sure to be enjoyed again and again!

The Bee Who Loved Words

Helen Docherty, illustrated by Erica Salcedo

Puffin ISBN: 978-0241450680


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