There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Genie and Teeny Wish upon a Star
Back in the land of Wishaluzia, Grant the genie is delighted to be home with his family, but is faced with the problem that he has been banned by Queen Mizelda. When trouble strikes, Grant calls on his old friends for help, but can Teeny save the day?
This series has been a huge favourite of mine since the first book, ‘Genie and Teeny Make a Wish’ appeared. Grant is such an endearing character. Prone to getting things wrong, he is warm-hearted and loyal, and nothing like the genies who emerge in from sparkling lamps in other stories!
As with the other books, the reader is welcomed in, with a direct appeal which gives a quick introduction about what has gone before. The lively, light-hearted tone here sets the mood perfectly for the rest of the story. In this adventure, Grant is back at home with his family, the Giggles, but in danger of being caught by Queen Mizelda’s guards. She still hasn’t forgiven him for what happened in book one and so he needs to stay hidden to keep safe. Events, however, quickly get out of control and the result is a hilarious romp of an adventure which satisfyingly finishes with everything turning out well - if surprisingly!- in the end.
Not only appealing because of their humour, these books are wonderfully imaginative, encouraging children to develop their own ideas for storytelling. Children can create their own home for a genie like Grant’s ‘tea-lamp’ (as it became known in book 3) and plot their own adventures including , if they wish, a magical monster like the enormous cat-beast in ‘Wish upon a Star’. There are endless opportunities for children to engage with and enjoy this series, not least the wonderful ‘how to draw’s which appear at the end of each story. Although I enjoyed reading them in order, it is possible to enjoy each as a stand alone as enough back-story is given in each for everything to make sense.
I am greatly sadden to learn that this will be the last ‘Genie and Teeny’ book as I feel they could have had many more adventures, but all good things come to an end, I suppose! The series is both accessible and engaging, brilliant for reading aloud and full of fabulous illustrations! What more could you ask for?!
Genie and Teeny: Wish Upon a Star
Steven Lenton
Harper Collins ISBN: 978-0008408589
Published June 22nd 2023
You can read my review of ‘Genie and Teeny: Make a Wish’ here and find out how to make a tumbling Grant here.