There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Small World
Celebrating the tiniest creatures on the planet, ‘Small World’ is a fascinating and absorbing read. Divided into six sections, the book looks at tiny birds, fish, amphibians, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles as well as offering a chapter on the ‘very smallest animals’.
Two beautifully illustrated pages are devoted to each creature highlighted with an additional page in each section which allows readers to see each drawn to their actual size. Along with its Latin name, the habitat, diet and appearance are described along with the benefits and challenges it faces as a result of its size.
Some of the animals presented in this book are sure to be familiar- the bee hummingbird, the Ocellaris clownfish or the Monarch butterfly, for example; however, there are plenty of creatures which even the most ardent animal lover may not be familiar with. The rusty-spotted cat, which looks a little like a tabby, is the smallest species of cat on Earth. Kitti’s hog-nosed bat- craseonycteris thonglongyai- also known as the bumblebee bat, is only 3cm long. The Barbados threadsnake, which had been incorrectly identified for years and was only scientifically described by Western scientists in 2008, is only 10cm long.
There is so much to enjoy and learn about the wonderful mixture of appealing, slightly alarming, dangerous and curious creatures found in these pages. As well as being a book to fascinate animal lovers of all ages, there is plenty here which would support- and enrich- elements of the primary curriculum, including adaptation and habitats. A glossary and index are included to support readers’ understanding and its larger format makes it perfect for sharing.
Small World: Meet 30 of the Earth’s Tiniest Creatures
Nick Crumpton, illustrated by Rosie Dore
Wide Eyed ISBN: 978-0711288560
Published 20th March 2025
Lore of the Deep
‘Lore of the Deep’ brings together a collection of water-based folklore from around the world. It is a wonderful addition to this series which includes ‘Lore of the Wild’, ‘Lore of the Land’ and ‘Lore of the Stars’. Each volume is beautifully illustrated by a different artist.
Divided into six sections - Mythical Seas and Oceans, Creatures of the Seas and Oceans, Seafarers, Stormy Waters, Ocean Landscapes and Ominous Oceans - the book plunges the reader into every aspect of the watery world and the stories humans have created to explain its wonders and mysteries. Each section starts with a traditional tale on the theme, followed by snippets of folklore and wisdom.
A comprehensive index includes cultural references which is a useful addition- perhaps a world map highlighting these locations would also have been helpful. Like the other volumes in the series, ‘Lore of the Deep’ is a real treasure trove, offering a book which can be returned to again and again and one which teachers are sure to find useful for enriching the curriculum with some of those little details and stories which children love!
Lore of the Deep: Folklore and Wisdom from the Watery Wilds
Claire Cock-Starkey, illustrated by Stacey Rozich
Wide-Eyed ISBN: 978-0711287709
You can read my review of ‘Lore of the Stars’ here
NNFN2024: Amazing Asia
‘Amazing Asia’ is a stunning book. Even before opening it, there are so many details to notice on the foil embossed cover that the reader knows they are going to be in for a real treat of a read! Subtitled ‘An Encyclopaedia of an Epic Continent’, there is so much information packed into the book, complemented by beautiful illustrations, maps and timelines.
Having introduced the continent, there are then sections focusing on the different areas- east, south, southeast, west and north and central before looking at ‘Global Asia’. Each section opens with a map and a timeline of that area, allowing the reader to immerse themselves in the discovery of that region and to begin to appreciate just what an incredibly diverse and fascinating continent Asia is. Information about the people, culture, history, wildlife, landscape, sights and significant figures all builds a picture of the contributions Asia has made to the world.
East Asia is the region I am most familiar with, having visited China, Hong Kong, Macao, South Korea and Japan, so I was drawn to this section of the book first and really enjoyed revisiting those places through both text and illustration. Rashmi Sirdeshpande’s enthusiasm for her subject is infectious, clearly colouring her writing and making the reader long to visit every location mentioned and enjoy its wonders for themselves.
This is an essential text for schools to allow children, both those with roots in Asia and those with none, to read a refreshing and informative account about the continent which celebrates its diversity, culture and people, challenging unhealthy stereotypes and prejudices. It is perfect for browsing at leisure, dipping in and out of, or using as a research tool with its comprehensive index, glossary and contents page.
As I said previously, this is a stunning book, beautifully illustrated, thoughtfully written and gorgeously presented, making it a standout text in all areas.
Amazing Asia
Rashmi Sirdeshpande, illustrated by Jason Lyon
Wide Eyed Editions ISBN: 978-0711288317
Poetry Prompts: All Sorts of Ways to Start a Poem
I have always loved poetry and ever since I started teaching, I have tried to share this love with both children and colleagues, sneaking poems into every possible topic and encouraging children to create their own. ‘Does it have to rhyme?’ and ‘What rhymes with secret?’ by Sandy Brownjohn were two of my favourite books during teacher training and ones which I have frequently consulted over the years. ‘Poetry Prompts’ gathers together an amazing range of starting points - ways into poetry writing - offering amazing support for teachers seeking to inspire as well as for those wishing to write at home. It’s a real must have!
There are 41 prompts included in this brilliant book to support children in writing their own poems, but also to understanding poetic terms and devices which they might wish to use. The first suggestion is for making a mini-notebook for recording ideas and poems. Each activity offers plenty of examples and encouragement, sure to inspire readers of any age to emulate, experiment with and develop and the ‘Poetry Power-Up’ which accompanies each, extends the idea, offering a challenge. From tongue twisters to renga, from triolets to haiku, there are ideas for all occasions and all styles!
The whole book bursts with the message that poetry is about having fun with words and to encourage everyone to ‘discover the poet within’. Colourful, fun illustrations from four illustrators make the book appealing as well as making poetry writing accessible and enjoyable for all. Absolutely invaluable!
Poetry Prompts
All Sorts of Ways to Start a Poem from Joseph Coelho
Illustrated by Georgie Birkett, Grasya Oliyko, Amanda Quartey and Viola Wang
Wide Eyed ISBN: 978-0711285118
Pause for Poetry: Courage Out Loud
Using a wide range of poetic forms and structures, ‘Courage Out Loud’ is a wonderful collection of poems which explores many ways of being brave and facing fears.
The book not only shares expressions of courage from Joseph, but actively encourages the reader to create their own, reminding them of the power of poetry to communicate their feelings and offering advice and guidance for both performing and writing.
Each poem is prefaced by a little comment from Joseph, offering some context or information about the poetic form. There are many poems here which could be used with classes as well as individual children. ‘Have a Little Cry’ is a lovely piece which reminds the reader how a little cry can make us feel better as there is ‘courage in every tear’. Other poems focus on particular occasions when courage is called for – diving into a pool, going on a rollercoaster or speaking out in front of an audience.
The whole collection is accompanied by lively, colourful illustrations which perfectly capture the mood of each poem. This book sits perfectly alongside the two previous volumes: ‘Poems Aloud’ and ‘Smile Out Loud’. I hope there are more books to come in this series!
Courage Out Loud
Joseph Coelho, illustrated by Daniel Gray-Barnett
Wide Eyed Editions ISBN: 978-0711279193
Published 23rd March 2023
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.