There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Time Travelling with a Tortoise
Al Chaudhury has successfully travelled back in time and saved his father’s life. So, everything is back to the way Al thinks it should be…only somehow it isn’t. And then an accident leaves Grandpa Byron struggling to remember things, forcing Al to travel in time once more and leaving someone trapped in the past and a pre-historic tortoise in the present. Al must somehow rescue his friend from the past and save the future for them all.
Clever and compelling, ‘Time Travelling with a Tortoise’ is a worthy sequel to ‘Time Travelling with a Hamster’! Told in a chatty, engaging style, the reader feels as if they had never left Al’s company and yet, those who have not read TTWaH will be able to enjoy this just as much as those that have.
Grandpa Byron is as charming and unique as ever and his relationship with Al wonderfully highlights the role which grandparents can play in the lives of their grandchildren. In his new ‘old’ life, Grandpa Byron seems to be the one constant for Al, making the accident all the more shocking. Unable to piece together events which have led to his friendship with Paulie MacFaddyen, nephew of his arch nemesis Macca, also causes complications- and encourages the reader to look beyond preconceptions and first appearances.
There is so much to enjoy in this wonderful story that it is hard to put down. Teachers will enjoy reading this aloud to their classes as much as the children will enjoy listening to it. It is sure to encourage much conversation- about time travel and much more! Highly recommended!
Time Travelling with a Tortoise
Ross Welford
Harper Collins ISBN: 978-0008544775
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.
You can read my review of ‘Time Travelling with a Hamster’ here, ‘The Monkey Who Fell from the Future’ here and Into the Sideways World here.