There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found
Benjamin Creek does not believe in magic, preferring science, logic and reasoning until he is led into the impossibly magical world of Wreathenwold. With a girl called Elizabella, Benjamin finds himself on a perilous quest to find Elizabella’s missing twin, Edwid, making a promise he is determined to keep to bring the twins home safely.
This is one of those books where attempting a summary is useless as trying to capture this magical adventure in a few words is impossible! Fantastic, detailed world building and compelling characters make this a book not to be missed.
From the opening page the reader is drawn into this world where a boy who lives in a bookshop called Once Upon a Time receives a mysterious package containing a doll which starts his adventure. A lover of logic, Benjamin finds himself thrown into a world completely outside his comfort zone. As his reluctant decision to accompany Elizabella on her journey to find her brother leads to a tentative peace and then a firm friendship, Benjamin learns much about himself and how he views the world. The two make a perfect team as their differing personalities lend each other strength- the one being governed by logic, the other impulsive courage and determination.
In a plot which is fast paced and full of action, the parallel world Benjamin finds himself in is ruled by a fearful monster where the population is controlled by the sinister masked Hanged Men and anyone straying too far from their home will forget how to return and become lost. Twisting through moments of fear, great tension and peril, the story balances these with touches of poignancy, making it well rounded and engaging.
There is so much to recommend ‘The Whisperwicks’, not least the loving description of the bookshop and sentiments like ‘I’ve never met a reader who wasn’t special in one way or another…’. Carefully constructed, thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable, it is one of those must read books which no one should miss!
The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found
Jordan Lees, illustrated by Vivienne To
Puffin ISBN: 978-0241711989
Published 28th March 2024