
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: The Secrets of the Stormforest

A belated happy birthday to L D Lapinski whose birthday was yesterday!

Jonathan and Flick discover that an organisation, not unlike The Strangeworld’s Society, known as ‘The Seren’ are threatening the multiverse, destroying worlds by draining their magic. Although they had been trapped in a world they called Serentegra, they are now free once more and are hunting the suitcase that contains the end of the multiverse. Flick, Jonathan and their friends must find this case first and uncover the secrets of The Strangeworlds Society before it’s too late.

‘The Secrets of the Stormforest’ is the stunning conclusion to the incredible ‘Strangeworlds’ trilogy which has captivated so many children (and adults!). It is always tricky to review the finale to a series for fear of giving things away and spoiling the story for other readers, but I will try!

Throughout the series, each place the children visit is vividly described with a richness of detail which makes it a joy to read. One of the places they journey to in this book is Pendularbor which, with its three suns and sentient plants, is incredibly imagined.

Flick’s strength of character and determination really shine through in this story as she courageously faces events and possibilities which threaten everything she knows and loves. She really begins to believe in herself and what she can achieve, but is also touched by deep grief and regret as events unfold. The supportive love of family and friends once again shines through in this book as her quest is full of action, peril and uncertainty. The Seren are decidedly sinister and the children’s encounters with them are chilling.

It is always sad to reach the conclusion of a series which you have really enjoyed, but ‘The Secrets of the Stormforest’ brings everything to a very satisfying conclusion, leaving the reader full of hope and happiness for Flick and her friends.

An action-packed, brilliantly crafted read, ‘The Secrets of the Stormforest’ is not to be missed!

The Secrets of the Stormforest L D Lapinski

Orion ISBN: 978-1510111035

You can read my reviews of the first two books in this series here.

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