
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Secret of Golden Island

Yakov has fled to England to escape the war at home. Skylar’s beloved grandfather is unwell.

When the two children meet, they recognise something in each other: a reckless desire to change things for the better… Then a competition is announced. To win a nearby island! Yakov and Skylar are convinced the island will make everything better, but the odds are stacked against them.

Taken from the blurb.

A new book by Natasha Farrant is something very special. In ‘The Secret of Golden Island’ she has, once again, produced a superb adventure story, full of warmth and wonder. She manages to create a very intimate atmosphere, appealing directly to the reader and taking them with her on the most wonderful escapades.

In Yakov and Skylar, she has created two very different characters, who are both emotionally vulnerable. Yakov has had to leave behind everything he knows, his home country torn by war. Skylar is struggling to cope with how ill the grandfather she adores is. The reader feels huge sympathy for each child, empathising with their situations as they try, in their different ways, to cope with, and make sense of, what is happening. When they come, together, each is able to offer the other some comfort and a deep friendship develops.

And together, they take on the adventure of a lifetime, facing challenges and dangers with determination and courage as the prospect of winning the island gives them both hope for the future. It is an absolute joy from start to finish, a captivating read, certain to become a firm favourite with teachers and their classes as well as those who enjoy an exciting bedtime story.

Can’t recommend this one highly enough!

The Secret of Golden Island

Natasha Farrant

Faber and Faber ISBN: 978-0571382507

You can read my review of ‘The Rescue of Ravenswood’ here, ‘Voyage of the Sparrowhawk’ here and ‘The Children of Castle Rock’ here.

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