There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Blog Tour: The Housetrap
Today, I am delighted to be taking part in the Blog Tour for the deliciously dark new novel from Emma Read, ‘The Housetrap’. A complete change of pace from her ‘Milton the Mighty’ books, this one is not to be entered lightly…
As Delilah McDeery’s best friend, Claude, is moving to Cornwall, she is visiting him to say goodbye. However, all Claude seems interested in is playing Escape Room II with his new best friend, Sam. Sent outside- ‘Devices are banned’- by Claude’s mother, they are joined by Amity, Claude’s little sister. Tension between the older children quickly mounts and an argument erupts during which Amity wanders off into Badwell Woods. Forbidden to the children, the woods are full of dangerous sinkholes- and stories of missing children. Determined to find her, the others follow and discover an abandoned mansion and although it gives Claude an uneasy feeling, a scream from Amity makes him and the others rush inside…
And for fear of spoiling the story for others, I shall stop my summary right there! Emma Read has created a novel full of atmosphere and tension which is both clever and frightening. It’s essential to know the child before you recommend them this one!!
I am not the biggest horror fan. Sinister things linger with me so it is usually best if I go no where near them, but in ‘The Housetrap’, Emma has managed to strike the perfect balance between thrilling adventure and all-out scary story, making this a thoroughly enjoyable, exciting read. In order to solve the house trap and set themselves free, the children have to face a series of puzzles to solve two mysteries: the disappearance of Hypatia Batstone, daughter of the inventor of the house puzzle, and the clues on each level which will allow them to leave the building. The reader is completely absorbed from the outset, willing the children to succeed as the house shifts and reforms around them on their journey through the ‘game’.
The story also explores friendships and how the dynamics can shift and change as children grow. Delilah and Claude have been friends forever so Delilah feels understandably displaced by Sam, the new best friend, who seems to take great delight in baiting her. As they are forced to spend time together and start to get to know one another better, things change and together, they make quite a team. Delilah’s mathematical ability and knack with puzzles is an obvious bonus, but each brings strengths to the challenge.
An excellent spine-tinglingly enjoyable mystery/adventure, ‘The Housetrap’ is a brilliant read! Are you brave enough to enter..?
The Housetrap Emma Read
Chicken House ISBN: 978-1913322786
Many thanks to Chicken House for inviting me to be part of the tour today. Make sure you have a look at the other brilliant stops on the tour as well!
You can read my review of Milton the Mighty here and Milton the Magastar here.