There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Clockwork Conspiracy
Isaac Turner lives with his dad who is the Keeper of the Great Clock in the Palace of Westminster, tending the clock everyone thinks is called Big Ben, but isn’t. On the night the clocks go back, Isaac’s father disappears from the belfry, leaving only his broken pocket watch behind. Isaac is determined to find him and, with the help of Hattie, daughter of his godfather, follows a trail of clues across London, uncovering a sinister plot as they race against time.
After the fantastic ‘Adventures on Trains’ series, I expected Sam Sedgman’s new book, ‘The Clockwork Conspiracy’ to be an excellent read- and it was! Not only is this a gripping, action-packed mystery, but the whole story is scattered with interesting facts, trivia and history, making it a richly satisfying read.
Isaac and Hattie make an excellent team. Complete opposites, they bring out the best in one another and make a formidable duo, as they face every challenge and puzzle thrown at them. Hattie is quick-witted, rebellious and impetuous whilst Isaac is cautious, methodical and conscientious.
As the minutes tick by (shown by the chapter headings), Isaac and Hattie scramble across the rooftops of London, deciphering clues and solving puzzles to save Isaac’s father and defeat those plotting to change time and take over the world! Tension builds as the story reaches its very satisfying conclusion, leaving the reader wanting another mystery for Isaac and Hattie to solve which there is a sneak peak of at the end of the book.
Notes at the end of the story by Sam Sedgman clarify some elements of the story, explaining where he has ‘strayed from the truth’ and which are real, all of which adds to the enjoyment of this excellent story. We’ve booked the guided tour of Queen Elizabeth Tower to see Big Ben..!
The Clockwork Conspiracy Sam Sedgman
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1526665386
You can read my reviews of ‘The Arctic Railway Assassin’ here, ‘Sabotage on the Solar Express’ here and Epic Adventures: Explore the World in 12 Amazing Train Journeys’ here.