There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Evie is used to not being noticed. But when she meets the mysterious Wainwright, she discovers that going unnoticed might just be what makes her unique. Recruited into a secret magical organisation, Evie finds herself at the heart of an ancient and magical battle. Evil is returning to the land, and Evie is the only person who can stop it. But how can she defeat the most dangerous magician in the world, when she doesn’t even know her own powers?
The above synopsis is not mine! There was so much that I loved about this story that any summary I tried to make became nearly as long as the book!
‘Spellstone’ is one of those books which you want everyone around you to read so that you can fully discuss just how wonderful it is with them. An action-packed, page-turner of an adventure, the story is also beautifully written, rich in detail and description. I have enjoyed each book that I have read by Ross Montgomery (almost all he has written), but this is far and away my favourite and a prime candidate for being chosen as a class story!
Evie is a very likeable character. Struggling to understand why her world has changed and why people, including her parents, no longer seem to notice her, she then finds herself launched into the world of the Order of the Stone. Her resilience, determination, courage and good nature have the reader cheering her on from the outset and she quickly establishes a warm bond with the other members of the Order. Each of this team is brilliantly portrayed with their own magical ability, quirks and foibles. I love each for different reasons, but there’s something about Lady Alinora which really appeals to me!
The story unfolds magically with everything coming together in a very satisfying (and clever) conclusion. Hints of myth and legend combine with real life settings such as Postman’s Park in London, rooting the magical firmly in the ‘real’ world in which magic is ever present, just unseen or ignored.
‘Spellstone’ is an incredible read- perfect for using as a key text, for guided reading, as a class story or independent reading. I cannot recommend this one highly enough and will be buying it for my nephew at the weekend!
Spellstone Ross Montgomery
Walker ISBN: 978-1529501933