
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Narrative non-fiction Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Narrative non-fiction Sue Wilsher

Slime? It’s Not Mine!

In his latest adventure, Lenny the lemur is having a wonderful time on holiday in California. Whilst swinging from the redwood trees, he suddenly finds himself covered in sticky, icky goo. Determined to find out who slimed him, Lenny sets off to identify the culprit and learns a lot about the other creature’s slimy habits along the way.

Following the format of ‘Poo! Is that You?’ and ‘Wee? It Wasn’t Me!’, ‘Slime? It’s Not Mine!’ is sure to be every bit as popular. Children love to join in with a resounding chorus of ‘Slime? It’s not Mine!’ as Lenny goes from one creature to the next to identify the slime. As he investigates, he learns much about the different uses for slime a whole host of creatures have - and there is additional information at the end of the story offering further explanation and detail. Lenny even tries to question some slime mould which is neither a plant nor an animal, but a mass of simple cells capable of moving- and according to the ‘Facts and Snaps!’, of solving mazes! The story offers an excellent starting point for finding out more about all these creatures and the California redwood.

Nicola O’Byrne’s illustrations are colourful and full of details to enjoy. Lenny’s expressions are wonderful as he finds himself dripping in sticky slime and discovers what the other creatures can do. The information section has a photograph of each creature which not only shows what they look like in real life, but what a talented artist Nicola is too.

These books are great fun and so engaging - I can’t wait to see what Lenny investigate next!

Slime? It’s Not Mine! Clare Helen Welsh, illustrated by Nicola O’Byrne

Macmillan ISBN: 978-1529064452

You can read my review of ‘Wee? It Wasn’t Me!’ here.

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