There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Train Trouble
The boys are back - and so is their feline foe, Kitty Le Claw. Shifty and Sam are off on the Pawrient Express as it heads for Carnival Night in Venice. As the baker dogs whip up lots of delicious delights for the passengers, the lights go out and a porter is quickly identified not only as the robber, but their arch-nemesis, Kitty Le Claw. As she escapes in her getaway gondola, ss chase her through Venice, but, although they manage to retrieve the stolen goods, Kitty escapes…
I am proud to declare myself Shifty and Sam’s Number One fan! For the last 10 years, Tracey and Steven’s stories about these loveable robber dogs turned bakers have been amongst my go-to books for sharing at story times (whether in school or at home), using as a starting point for crafting activities or simply for reading for pleasure myself. ‘Train Trouble’ continues the series in style, offering the perfect combination of Tracey’s beautifully bouncing rhyming text and Steven’s brilliantly detailed and entertaining illustrations.
The rhyming text is a joy to read aloud, full of humour and perfectly paced, with plenty of opportunities for discussion. The ‘Pawrient’ Express, gondolas, Venice and its masked Carnivals are all excellent starting points for curious minds wanting to learn more.
As ever, the illustrations are pure joy! Every spread offers the usual spider hunt and fans of the series are sure to recognise some familiar faces like Lady Kate and Barnaby along with some of the guest from Woofington Hall and Sidney Scarper the penguin. I’m luck enough to have been to Venice more than once (and am the only person I know who has fallen out of a gondola- fortunately not into the canal!) and loved spotting details Steven has captured in his pictures. The carnival picture even includes pigeons in masks- with some bearing a marked resemblance to Shifty, Sam, Kitty and the spider!
I hope there are many more adventures for Shifty and Sam- at least another 10 years worth! Huge congratulations to Tracey and Steven for their genius and many thanks for all the joy they have given fans of these gorgeous books.
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Train Trouble
Tracey Corderoy and Steven Lenton
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839943225
You can read my reviews of ‘The Missing Masterpiece’ here, ‘The Stolen Sleigh’ here and ‘Pirates Ahoy’ here.
Cardiff Literature Festival 2023
Today, I braved the crowds of rugby fans and made my way to see Tracey Corderoy and Steven Lenton at the Cardiff Literature Festival! Their event was held in the Undercroft of Cardiff Castle, a beautiful location for an exciting event!
The sun was shining on the queue of eager Shifty and Sam fans waiting to descend the steps leading to the Undercroft. Lots of excited little ones gathered on the cushions at the front to await the arrival of their favourite robber/baker dogs- and Tracey and Steven, of course!
The session started with Tracey telling everyone the original Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam story with the able assistance of Steven, who was in charge of props. It is the 10th anniversary of this wonderful book which is one of my all time favourite picture books and it was a real pleasure to hear Tracey and Steven in action!
Next, everyone had a go at drawing Sam with expert guidance from Steven. The children’s pictures were wonderful- I never cease to be amazed at the confidence and joy they show, quite unlike adults who have learned to be hesitant and self-critical! Tracey then read our loveable dogs’ latest adventure, ‘Pirates Ahoy!’, encouraging everyone to join in with the telling!
The session ended with a game, half the audience chanting for Shifty and half for Sam- and Team Shifty won! This caused great joy and great disappointment in equal measure! However, smiles were soon restored as it was time to have copies of the books signed and have a chat with Tracey and Steven. It was a lovely event- the perfect start to the day!
Meet Tracey Corderoy
Tracey Corderoy is the author of over 40 picture books and about 30 fiction titles. All her stories are wonderful, but I am a Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam super fan so was delighted when a new picture book title came out recently. You can read my review of ‘Pirates Ahoy!’ here and I thoroughly recommend the rest of the series. Tracey’s events are always a joy to attend, usually involving making something, and always full of story-fun!
I asked Tracey some questions about Shifty and Sam…
1. Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam have appeared in 6 picture books and four early novels so far and continue to be incredibly popular characters. Where did you first get the idea for these loveable robber dogs from?
I had the most beautiful Golden Retriever called Dylan. He reached the grand old age of almost 16 and died in 2020. He was my constant companion from the moment I embarked on my writing journey.
Anyway, one day, when he was a puppy, I took him to the vet to have some vaccinations.
What happened next was my fault really, I suppose, because as we went in through the door, I forgot to press the button on his lead. This meant that Dylan could zoom off if he so wished. And he did so wish as he spied a teddy displayed in the window, on a deck chair – very cute. Dylan LOVED teddies so FWIPPPP! off he went into the window display for the bear.
I was mortified, as you might imagine. All the other animals were behaving themselves impeccably and Dylan was destroying the window display with a very waggy tail. I ‘encouraged’ him out of said window and instructed him to “drop the bear”.
He actually did. So naturally I praised him, which made things much, much worse. Dylan got happier upon hearing my praise. Then promptly he did a big excited wee all over the floor. I was even more mortified. EVERYONE was looking. I said: “Oh no, what HAVE you done, Dylan?” And then Dylan looked up at me with his adorable big brown eyes. He looked sorry. He hadn’t meant to steal the bear or do a Golden Retriever-sized wee all over the floor. He wasn’t bad, not in his heart, he just ‘didn’t think’ that day, that was all.
Anyway, we saw the visit through, and when we left I thought it best to forget all about it. My brain thought differently, however, and it came back to me quite randomly one day when I was thinking of ideas for a story. Cue Shifty and Sam who just ‘don’t think’ – until they upset little Scottie Dog by stealing his FAVOURITE teddy, Big-Eared Bob. Then it’s time for the boys to have a BIG rethink!
2. Having rejected a life of crime, Shifty and Sam have settled to work as bakers. Do you like baking and if so, what is your signature bake?
I was/am a rubbish cook, but I did learn to bake when my daughters were little as I was required to come up with birthday cakes. A plain honest sponge cake – with jam and buttercream is my signature bake I think. I sometimes use lemon curd instead of jam. And I sometimes make cupcakes – same recipe but smaller cakes. I have been known to decorate with melted chocolate and raspberries too. Oh yes!
3. The books are illustrated by the very talented Steven Lenton. Did you have any say in the choice of illustrator for this series and did you discuss what Shifty and Sam looked like before Steven started drawing?
I was very lucky because I think Steven had just sent Nosy Crow some illustrations of dogs (by chance) about the same time as they received my story. Ping! The penny dropped that Steven would be PERFECT to illustrate the first story as his work was so great! Nosy Crow told me of him and lucky me – as he’s totally marvellous! I left it to Steven to experiment with different styles of dogs as this was his area of expertise, and I know he worked really hard getting it just right. I so love how Shifty and Sam look. They have become dear old friends now – for me and Steven alike.
4. Shifty and Sam have met pirates and aliens and outwitted cats, penguins and polar bears. Where will their adventures take them next?
Well now! That is a BIG surprise – and we have another surprise up our sleeves too as an old face is set to make a reappearance in the next story! I’ll say they are going on a BIG adventure to somewhere far away. But beware for robbers in disguise. Cryptic, right? Oh, and there are masks involved – but not all robbing masks. My last clue is it’s going to be a purrrfect TOOT HOOT!
5. You always do the most amazing events, full of fun and making things. Which festivals are you taking part in this year? Which is your favourite?
It’s so amazing to be back doing live events again. I’m just back from the Wells Festival of Literature and am about to head off to Edinburgh for three events at the marvellous Edinburgh International Book Festival. I’m also doing Chichester, Just So in Cheshire, an event on The Golden Hinde (a replica of Francis Drake’s Golden Hind!). Then later on there’s the brilliant Bath Children’s Book Festival, the Marlborough Festival, the Stroud Festival, the Stratford-upon-Avon Festival and the Northern Children’s Book Festival. I like them ALL as every one is so unique and friendly. These, coupled with school and library events are doing to keep me very busy!
6. And lastly- and most importantly according to my niece- what is your favourite cake?
Oh! So many to choose from. Not chocolate. (I know! Don’t judge me for this. I just prefer chocolate just as chocolate.) So, I’m going to say … Victoria Sponge.
— And Carrot Cake, please and thank you!
Thank you so much, Tracey, for answering my questions! A ‘purrrfect TOOT HOOT’? I can’t wait!
You can read my review of ‘The Story Shop: Blast Off!’ here and ‘The Story Shop: Anchors Away!’ here.
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Pirates Ahoy!
I have to confess that I am something of a Shifty and Sam superfan! Since their first picture book won the first North Somerset Teachers’ Book Awards picture book category in 2015, I have eagerly awaited each new adventure and have read these stories to many children, many times. So I was delighted to discover that Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam are off on a new adventure and I set out to buy it on my trip to Bath today.
The loveable robber-dogs-turned-bakers are catering for a pirate party when Captain Chucklebeard’s treasure is stolen. The party band is really a pirate gang who have made off with the treasure. But Shifty and Sam zip into action, saving the day!
Tracey’s rhyming text is a joy to read aloud! It captures the energy and excitement of the tale perfectly whilst Steven’s illustrations are full of visual humour and such detail. I am delighted to see that the lovely little spider has made a return and can be found on every page, encouraging children (and adults!) to pour over each spread. This winning team has produced another winning book!
My love of these two characters has meant that I have made Sam cupcakes, a Sam pumpkin, a Sam balloon and a miniature Sam toy. This is because, being very limited artistically, Sam’s shape makes him relatively easy to draw and so once again, I have used him as the inspiration for this simple making activity! You will need card, scissors and felt pens. The card can be from a cereal packet or similar, but will need to be coloured/ painted to match Sam.
First, find a circular object and draw round this twice on card. One piece is for Sam’s body and so will need to be brown. Cut each circle out carefully- the more circular they are, the better the end result! Fold one in half- this is for the rocker and so doesn’t need to be brown. Next, cut a piece of white card (or you could use paper) to make Sam’s jacket. You can do this by cutting another circle and cutting off the top and bottom if you find it easier.
Cut two small rectangles of white card for Sam’s arms, adding brown semi-circles to one end for his paws. Stick these behind the white ‘jacket’ and then stick this to the body. Decorate this with felt tips so that it looks like Sam’s jacket in the illustrations. Now cut two small white circles (for the eyes) and two small brown circles (for the ears) and stick these in place. Now, add the rest of Sam’s facial features using felt tip (see first picture below). Next, cut two small rectangles of brown card for Sam’s legs, rounding off one end for his paws. Cut a chef’s hat from white card and stick this and the legs in place. Turn Sam over and attach the second folded circle carefully to the back, making sure you line the edges up carefully.
Tap one of his arms gently and watch him rock from side to side! Now, if only I could draw Shifty..!