
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Blog Tour, Fiction, Verse Novel, Animals Sue Wilsher Blog Tour, Fiction, Verse Novel, Animals Sue Wilsher

Blog Tour: The Way of Dog

I am delighted to be part of the Blog Tour for this very special book. It is one which I will not forget in a hurry- and am sure to read again soon.

Be strong. Be fierce. Life is more than a concrete floor.

Born in a harsh, grey world, a pup is taken from his mother and locked in a cage with the rest of the litter. As the others are chosen, he yearns to belong to a family, but finds himself alone until he meets a manpup who shows him affection- and gives him a name, ‘Scruffity’. Set free from his cage by this boy who is as unloved as he is, the two run away together and Scruffity gains a taste of both love and freedom…until tragedy strikes.

Told in verse, this is a deeply poignant and utterly beautiful novel. From the opening page, it completely absorbs the reader in Scruffity’s story, shocking them with the callous, casual cruelty of the ‘Shoe-legs’ whose only interest in the dogs is financial gain. The innocent, optimistic, loving nature of this young pup serves only to underline the neglect and the use of verse cleverly frames his thoughts, capturing them in a way which prose would not have done.

Scruffity’s devotion to ‘MyManpup’ (as he calls his boy) and delight in the world outside the cage, his curiosity and excitement are captured perfectly, allowing the reader to share each new discovery about ‘the way of dog’ which Scruffity makes. His loyalty to the humans he meets along his way- the boy who befriends him, OldOne, the little girls, LilaMay and Pippa and their mother, and CharlieMan- is testament to the trusting, faithful nature of dogs and their longing for companionship.

The story also highlights the plight of humans who have been victims of human cruelty. Seen through Scruffity’s eyes, their stories unfold to the reader, the cruelty and neglect shown to them as incomprehensible as that shown to Scruffity. There is so much to discuss here- so much to develop empathy as the loyal true heart of a dog helps others to heal. The ending is just perfect- if requiring a whole box of tissues!

The text is punctuated in places with gorgeous illustrations which are as atmospheric as the verse. Scruffity is beautifully shown in his happiest and darkest moments with shadowy human shapes emphasising the threat they pose.

I am not ashamed to say that I cried many times as I read this story. Zana Fraillon is well known for her powerful writing and tackling ‘difficult’ subjects. ‘The Ones that Disappeared’ almost finished me completely, but the beauty of her writing and the poignancy with which she handles the subject matter are unquestionable. ‘The Way of Dog’ is an outstanding book, a story of love and hope, a story of cruelty and compassion- a masterpiece.

The Way of Dog Zana Fraillon, illustrated by Sean Buckingham

Chicken House ISBN: 978-1915026231

You can read my review of ‘Wisp’ here.

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