There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Farah Loves Mangos
Farah loves mangos. She loves them so much that she even reads them stories…before eating them! Every year, the ancient tree in her grandfather’s big backyard is laden with fruit which they gather with the help of Mali the dog. One summer, however, the tree does not yield any mangos and no matter what Farah tries. She declares that without mangos the tree is useless, but Grandpa, who she thought was doing nothing, puts her on the swing he has been making. As she swings up into the branches, Farah realises the tree is teeming with life and it’s worth looking at things in new ways.
What a delicious and delightful book! The illustrations are completely fabulous- full of humour and detail, they complement the text perfectly, creating a story which is a joy to read! Farah’s love of mangos has led her to overlook the bounty and joys the tree apart from its fruit. She has never paused to notice the ‘life of the tree’ or to value the tree for anything other than mangos. The story offers so much to reflect upon and discuss and could lead to children- and adults - taking the time to look at many things in different ways, valuing them for what they are and not just for what they give.
I love the way in which her Grandpa quietly continues making a swing, allowing her to try and solve the problem herself. And boy, does she try! His solution is to show her the wonders of the tree by making her a swing to both play on and see the tree anew from. Sarthak Sinha has beautifully captured this loving relationship throughout the book, but for me, the last two illustrations say everything!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and ‘Farah Loves Mangos’ absolutely proves this! There is so much to linger over in each spread as the illustrations add to the humour and magic of the story with so many details to notice. This is a gorgeous book!
Farah Loves Mangos Sarthak Sinha
Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1838741365