There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
NNFN2024: Thank you for the Music
For many people, music is a hobby which is central to their lives. My grandfather played in orchestras all his life, my mother has always sung in choirs, my older brother plays guitar in a band and my younger plays drums in another. Music runs through our family- and ‘Thank you for the Music’ offers a practical guide to music from its origins to advice about working in the industry.
The book opens by offering a definition of music and its main elements before focusing on classical music. A typical plan of a symphony orchestra is given and then each of the instrument families are introduced. A timeline shows a selection of famous classical composers from Hildegard of Bingen to Kerry Andrew, giving the nationality and dates for each, offering a starting point for readers to discover more. The next section explores 20th century music and the different genres which have developed.
Different career possibilities are ‘zoomed in’ on, giving information about and advice on roles such as producer, therapist and DJ. The skills needed for each job are outlined along with an overview of the job requirements. With a final section about creating music, there is so much to enjoy and learn in this book. Further reading suggestions are also offered and a comprehensive index allows information to be quickly and easily located.
Thank you for the Music: A celebration of the value of creativity
Sarah Walden, illustrated by Hannah Li
Noodle Juice ISBN: 978-1915613189