
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book Sue Wilsher Picture Book Sue Wilsher

We Disagree About This Tree

Although Bear and Mouse now appear to be happy sharing both chair and house, it seems that there will always be something they don’t see eye to eye about - and with Christmas on the way, they disagree about how to decorate their Christmas tree. With one wanting too much tinsel and the other favouring flaming candles, how will these two ever manage to enjoy the perfect festive season?

Mouse and Bear have been firm favourites since their first spat over Mouse’s chair and ‘We Disagree About this Tree’ is sure to be every bit as popular. The gentle humour of the story coupled with the fabulous illustrations are sure to have children (and adults!) giggling, but also offers plenty to discuss, showing how good friends can disagree about things, but still keep their friendship alive! Managing disagreements and finding compromise is such an important skill and ultimately, the pair agree that being together is the most important thing!

As with the previous stories, the bouncy rhyming text lends itself perfectly to children creating their own sections. Here, they could imagine other creative ways in which Bear or Mouse might choose to decorate the tree -using candy canes, chocolate shapes, gingerbread men, artificial snow, glitter-and build their own rhyming lines to add to the story. These could be illustrated, using Ross Collins’s fabulous pictures for inspiration.

Each book by Ross Collins is something special- and this festive treat is sure to be enjoyed again and again!

We Disagree About this Tree Ross Collins

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839944994

Published 6th October 2022

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