
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Poetry, Pause for Poetry, Collection Sue Wilsher Poetry, Pause for Poetry, Collection Sue Wilsher

Pocket Book of Pocket Poems

Having received one of A F Harrold’s postcard poems, I know that children love his short poems! Indeed, despite the fact that we enjoyed plenty of poetry in class, many were fascinated by the idea that something so short was a poem as well as being charmed by the novelty of getting something hand written in the post. This led to us putting up a class post box, writing some tiny poems and sending them to each other. It also led to some really great stamp designing, but that’s another story!

In this book, A F Harrold shares a whole selection of short poems- the longest being only 60 words. The further in to the book you go, the shorter the poems get with a helpful number in the top corner of each page telling you how many words to expect! The collection is perfect for dipping in and out of- but one poem here is sure to lead to another!

Both alphabetical and thematic lists are included should anyone be interested in trying to local a specific poem or poems on a subject. There are poems about ghosts, peanuts, sneezes and cannibalism, ballet, curtains, zeppelins and flamingos…and, of course, postal workers! Many are light-hearted, some are reflective, some play with words whilst others are based on familiar rhymes. There is something here for everyone to enjoy!

Children love the fact that short poems are quick to learn, quite quick to create and easy to share. The fact that this little book is pocket-sized and perfect for carrying around is another benefit to this quirky collection of poems.

A F Harrold’s Pocket Book of Pocket Poems

Illustrated by Jack Viant

Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1801994972

You can read my review of ‘The Worlds We Leave Behind’ here.

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