
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Family, Facing fears Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Family, Facing fears Sue Wilsher

Tiny Owl’s Scary Day

Tiny Owl doesn’t want to go to bed. She wants to explore the daytime, but Mummy Owl says it can be a scary time for a small owl. However, Tiny Owl is not to be deterred and sets off on an adventure.

I love Petr Horacek’s illustrations. They are so full of colour, energy and warmth, engaging little readers instantly- and Tiny Owl is a real joy! The story is a simple one as Tiny Owl boldly sets off on an adventure in the daytime. Initially, things are exciting, but readers will notice the dangers she fails to see as she explores. As she continues investigating, she is blissfully ignorant, not only of the perils she has escaped, but also of her mother’s protective presence in the background.

Children will enjoy joining in with the noises she hears as the story builds in a familiar pattern and are sure to feel comfortable with sharing things which they find scary and discussing these. The illustrations (as I have already mentioned!) are a real joy! I love the spread where, missing Tiny Owl who has taken off, hits the water with a huge splash and the feeling of how tiny and alone Tiny Owl is, surrounded by blues, before the comforting appearance of Mummy arrives.

Sure to become a firm favourite, this is a beautiful story!

Tiny Owl’s Scary Day Petr Horacek

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1529509274

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