
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Belonging Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Belonging Sue Wilsher

Our Table

International Dot Day is an annual event in any school I teach in and I have loved Peter H Reynolds’ books since I first encountered ‘The Dot’ way back when! Since then, I have eagerly looked out for his new titles, keen to get them into class and share them with children. Inspiring, often poignant and always brilliantly illustrated, his books are a key feature in my book corner and school library.

‘Our Table’ is a heart-warming story about the importance of family. Once, the table was at the heart of Violet’s home- a place where the family gathered and memories were made. But recently, everyone has been busy and Violet often finds herself alone at the table. One day, she notices the table is smaller- and smaller- until by the end of the week, it has disappeared altogether. Violet knows she must take action to put things right again.

As Violet appeals to her family for help, she draws them all back together as they once more share experiences and spend time together, connecting as a family should. The illustrations are so evocative of the emotions she experiences. As he family drifts apart and she feels lonely, shades of purple (or violet!) are used to capture the weight of her feelings whilst her joyful memories are in full colour, vividly standing out against the white of the page. Once her family reconnects, jubilant colour returns once more, even spilling over onto the end papers. The final picture is a complete joy as the family gathers round the table once more, sharing their meal, laughing and enjoying being together. Mum is even sneaking food to the dog under the table!

The text is simple and to the point, allowing children to reflect on the pictures and consider what the characters might me thinking/ feeling at various points, encouraging them to empathise, and perhaps identify, with Violet as her family are engaging more with the screens in their lives than with each other.

One to treasure!

Our Table Peter H Reynolds

Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702313738

You can read my review of ‘The Word Collector’ here and ‘Playing from the Heart’ here.

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