There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
One More Try
When Circle sees the squares and the hexagons building a tower, he suggests to his friends that they try to make one too. However, Circle and his friends have different properties which make it really tricky for them. They try becoming stronger and smarter, but nothing seems to help. When the other shapes are ready to give up, Circle is determined to have one more try. There must be a way…
‘One More Try’ is a brilliant story, showing the importance of determination, problem solving and resilience. When faced with the fact that they are not naturally formed for tower building, Circle makes a number of suggestions for things the group should try and although these ideas help, the other shapes become disheartened. Children will love to see how Circle continues to ponder the problem and realises that looking at it from a different angle is what is needed, offering plenty to discuss. Older children might try to think of other possible solutions to this problem, perhaps working as a team challenge with actual shapes. They might also like to write their own stories about a problem one of the shapes has to solve- perhaps involving a mathematical concept!
The story also links perfectly with work in maths. From the names and properties of simple shapes to concepts like tessellation or perimeter with older children, these colourful characters would engage children with these activities. The illustrations are so engaging and are wonderful for encouraging children to create their own shape pictures/ characters by printing, making rubbings, painting, collaging… so many possibilities!
Another wonderful book from the brilliant team which created ‘A Perfect Fit’!
One More Try Naomi Jones, illustrated by James Jones
OUP ISBN: 978-0192779014