There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
NNFN2023: Let’s Play
The importance of play, both free and imaginative and guided, cannot be underestimated - and yet, it seems to be something on the decline. Developing teamwork, independence, resilience, empathy… there are so many reasons why it should be encouraged and this fabulous book is perfect for home or school.
The fact that these games are taken from across the world only adds to its appeal. Some may be familiar or a twist on those already known whilst others might be completely new. Each game is carefully explained with step-by-step instructions and illustrations. Some are for playing independently, others for playing with friends- all could be adapted with a little imagination! Extra challenges and suggestions are also included, extending the fun. Children can be encouraged to look at a map of the world to locate the country of origin for the game, making connections and realising how much people have in common!
This is a brilliant resource, not only for home, but also school. Encouraging dinner staff as well as anyone on playground duty to organise a few games is always a brilliant thing to do, making playtimes more enjoyable for the staff on duty as well as engaging children. There are activities here which could also be used during wet playtimes or indoor play. A spread at the end of the book encourages children to think about developing their own games.
A brilliant, inspiring book!
Let’s Play!
Nancy Dickmann, illustrated by Monica Andino
Words and Pictures ISBN: 978-0711283756
Around the World in…
‘Around the World in 80 Trees’ celebrates the role played by trees across the Earth, starting with general information about the different types of tree and the parts which they share. Apparently, there are more than 60,000 different tree species and the book selects 80 of these from across the world to focus on. A gatefold in the centre of the book opens to reveal all of these 80 trees, showing how they relate to one another. For children learning about classification keys in Year 4 and Year 6 Science, this is very useful and the book might also support them when working scientifically to observe, identify and categorise the trees in their local environment.
The trees are organised in ‘continent’ sections, starting with a map of that region showing where the named trees are located. Snippets of text about each tree includes information about related myths and legends, statistics as well as how the tree is used by creatures and humans. It is a fascinating read, perfect for dipping in and out of or for reading in one sitting and returning to again and again.
A picture of each tree is included and the information about certain trees, like cherry and river red gum are presented as a two page spread, with additional illustrations. The book ends with a reminder about the importance of trees and how we can help them.
Beautifully presented, with contents and index, this is a book which will tempt children to explore the trees of the world.
Around the World in 80 Trees
Ben Lerwill, illustrated by Kaja Kajfez
Welbeck Editions ISBN: 978-1913519360
Also in the series is ‘Around the World in 80 Musical Instruments’. Focusing on the fact that music is something people all over the world have in common, this lovely book is organised into sections relating to how instruments make their sounds. Once again, there is a gatefold in the centre, showing how everything is related, although it offers the cautionary note that it’s not a perfect system for instruments!
Additional spreads focus on related topics such as the orchestra or the human voice and there is a page in each section- percussion, stringed and wind- suggesting how you might make your own instrument of this type. There are many instruments to discover and which might lead to further investigation by budding musicians!
Once again, the attractive format and appealing illustrations are sure to make this book a hit in schools and at home!
Around the World in 80 Musical Instruments
Nancy Dickmann, illustrated by Sue Downing
Welbeck Editions ISBN: 978-1913519353
Out on 14th April 2022