
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Snow White and other Grimm’s Fairy Tales

The ninth in this stunning series, ‘Snow White and Other Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ would make the perfect gift for any book lover at this-or any- time of year. Twenty of their tales- some better known than others- are included here, making the book a wonderful introduction to the stories gathered by the brothers for those who new to them or a beautiful addition to the shelves of any collector.

Some of the stories have their alternative titles in brackets alongside those which are better known- Snowdrop (Snow White), Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty), Ashputtel (Cinderella), for example, prefect for encouraging discussions about the origins of these tales and how they have changed over the years. Each story is accompanied by beautiful colour illustrations, but some have interactive pictures with fold-outs and flip-ups which really help to bring the tale to life. Cinderella, in her golden gown, stands on the dance floor, Rapunzel’s tower rises from the page, the dancing princesses leap from the book… there is so much to enjoy and return to again and again.

These stories are translations from the original German and so are not the ‘Disneyfied’ versions many know, but contain the darker elements as told to the Grimm Brothers as they collected these stories on their travels. Children will enjoy comparing these to the versions which they know and (in my experience!) revel in the gory details and frissons of fear which they offer.

Of course, one of these beautiful books is never enough and is sure to lead to buying the rest of the collection!

Snow White and Other Grimms’ Fairy Tales

The Brothers Grimm, illustrated by MinaLima

Harper Collins ISBN: 978-0063208247

You can read about my visit to Grimms’ World here.

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