There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Luna Loves Christmas
Luna loves Christmas. Sometimes she spends it at her dad’s, sometimes at her mum’s, but this year, things are going to be different. This year, they are volunteering to make sure that everyone has a happy Christmas. On Christmas Eve, she helps mum to make deliveries before spending the night with her dad. On Christmas Day, she and Dad arrive at the Town Hall to share dinner with the rest of the family - and anyone who wants to come.
This is a fabulously festive story for so many reasons! As readers have discovered in the previous ‘Luna Loves…’ books, Luna is at the heart of a very loving family. Her parents might not be together, but they work hard to ensure their little girl is happy and secure. She is used to having two Christmases- one with each parent; however, having carefully explained the structure of events so that Luna knows exactly what to expect, this Christmas is going to be focused on sharing with others. As Luna and her mother make the deliveries, Luna gains something from each visit as others share things with them- not expensive gifts, but time and fun- a snowball fight, carol singing, a shared Christmas story (which features as a book within the book!).
Once at her father’s, the two make Christmas biscuits and enjoy the bedtime rituals of Christmas Eve. Christmas Day dawns with presents- ‘some for now, some for later’- but little attention is paid to this. Getting ready for the Christmas dinner with everyone else it is the cookies they baked and the home-made presents which are important. The illustrations convey so much warmth and joy between this little family and between members of the community as they come together. The story really shows Luna having a wonderful Christmas, full of fun and family traditions, but also one of sharing, kindness and inclusion. It is a complete joy and a brilliant addition to this delightful series.
Luna Loves Christmas
Joseph Coelho, illustrated by Fiona Lumbers
Andersen Press ISBN: 978-1839131660