
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Festivals, Bristol Sue Wilsher Festivals, Bristol Sue Wilsher

Storytale Festival, Bristol

The Storytale Festival began when Ellie Freeman decided to start a citywide children’s book festival in Bristol. She wanted to bring books, poetry and storytelling to children across the city and the festival launched with great success in 2019. Things had to be adapted when the pandemic hit, but Ellie and her team were undeterred, continuing with their inspirational programme on their YouTube Channel. This year, however, the in-person festival is back and yesterday, I headed to Bristol to join in the fun!

Bristol was looking particularly lovely on this autumnal morning as I made my way to Bookhaus on Rope Walk. My first event was listening to Alex Cotter, author of ‘The House on the Edge’ and ‘The Mermaid Call’ and this beautiful bookshop made the perfect venue.

Alex was excellent with the children in the audience, her warm and friendly manner keeping them engaged throughout the session. She spoke about where her ideas and inspiration came from and encouraged children to create their own plot ideas using both pictures and notes. Valuing each idea and offering plenty of praise and support, Alex worked with each child, listening to their ideas and making suggestions. The time flew past and a lovely time was had by all!

After a spot of lunch and a wander round St Nicholas Market, I headed for Stanfords for event number two- Lou Abercrombie, author of ‘Fig Swims the World’ and ‘Coming Up for Air’.

Lou’s talk was fascinating, showing how her real-life experiences, particularly her adventures in swimming, have helped her to develop her writing. From freediving to being a mermaid, the things Lou has done, the people she has met, the places she has visited have coloured and shaped her writing. Inspiring stuff!

I had a brilliant day of book-ish delight and have come away determined to get to know Bristol better as a city. The Storytale Festival is a fantastic event and one which I will be happily supporting next year! You can find out more on their website.

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Fiction, Older Sue Wilsher Fiction, Older Sue Wilsher

Coming Up for Air

Leaving London to live in the seaside town where her mum grew up might not be Coco’s choice, but she’s determined to make the best of it. Although she’s excited about making new friends, the locals are hostile and resentful and her mum is keeping secrets from her. However, Coco is a positive young lady and her natural talent for free diving, love of the ocean and friendly demeanour soon start to win people round. But when an ill advised adventure goes wrong, history threatens to repeat itself…

I loved ‘Fig Swims the World’ and in ‘Coming Up for Air’, Lou Abercrombie offers another heroine with a unique voice and a passion for swimming. Whilst Min (her mother) and Henry, the uncle Coco never knew she had, bicker like children, Coco explores the area. No one has asked her whether she wants to leave her London life behind, but she is sure she will be able to make new friends. The town is picturesque and charming, but the attitude of the locals (known as ‘Fish’) is not and this worsens when they find that Min is Coco’s mother. Old tensions and feuds resurface, making Coco’s charm offensive fall on hostile ears. But still she persists, remaining stubbornly optimistic for the most part that she can win through. After all, with a mother like Min, she has developed a range of coping strategies that have seen her through life so far and now in Piscary, she also has the sea to help her find calm and joy.

Coco desperately wants to be a documentary maker and parts of the story are told as through she were creating one about her new life. As she records on her phone, the reader is treated to her internal monologue of events, including some humorous looks to camera moments which speak volumes! She learns much about herself, and others, as the story develops, emerging just as optimistic, but wiser at the end.

The story is full of vivid descriptions and Lou Abercrombie’s love of the sea shines through. The joys of freediving, the sense of freedom and connection to the underwater world are beautifully described, almost making me feel like sea swimming would be something to try… (Never in a million years- but that’s how good the writing is!)

‘Coming Up for Air’ is a great read, full of friendship, overcoming obstacles, humour and of course, the joys of swimming. With plenty of feel good factor, this story also offers much to think about and plenty of adventure. Highly recommended!

Coming Up for Air Lou Abercrombie

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788953184

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