
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Non-fiction Sue Wilsher Non-fiction Sue Wilsher

The Big Book of Festivals

The Big Book of Festivals is a fabulous introduction to some of the world’s most incredible cultural and religious festivities. The book includes some of the world’s largest, best-known celebrations, but also sheds light on some smaller, regional festivals- each fascinating and special.

People have been celebrating special occasions for thousands of years and countless festivals are marked across the globe. Any teacher will tell you that festivals and celebrations are a great way for children to make connections, recognise similarities and accept differences as they learn about how people in other countries and regions as well as those of differing faiths celebrate special occasions. This book offers a wealth of material to be explored and enjoyed and deserves a place in every classroom!

The book is lavishly illustrated with a cast of children introduced at the beginning for the reader to look out for as they read. The section on Remarkable Regional Festivals introduces the reader to the wonders of La Merce Festival, where amongst other activities, people compete to create human castles- castells- or the floating lights of Yi Peng and Loi Krathong, two closely related yet different traditions in Thailand. Some might have heard of seasonal festivals like the beauty of Hanami, viewing the cherry blossom in Japan or Groundhog Day in North America, the Icelandic midwinter celebration of Thorrablot or Nowruz, an Iranian festival marking the first day of spring and the new year might not be so familiar.

Perfect for dipping in and out of or for more focused research, ‘The Big Book of Festivals’ makes a fascinating read.

The Big Book of Festivals Marita Bullock and Joan-Maree Hargreaves

illustrated by Liz Rowland

Faber ISBN: 978-0571370221

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