
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction Sue Wilsher Fiction Sue Wilsher


When Roo and her brother, Ed, find they are going to have to spend the half term holiday with their ancient neighbour, Miss Filey and her smelly cat, Attlee, they are less than impressed. However, the discovery of a box of birthday candles tucked into a drawer changes everything. When lit, each candle delivers a wish…

Lissa Evans is the author of books which I have frequently used in school. ‘Small Change for Stuart’ makes an excellent class read, with plenty to discuss and enjoy along with way and children then turn to ‘Big Change for Stuart’ as an independent read to find out more. ‘Wed Wabbit’ is brilliantly mad-cap and inventive, a firm favourite in the library. But in ‘Wished’, Lissa Evans has truly excelled herself and created something very special!

Humour- as ever- plays a huge role in the story telling and Attlee is without doubt one of my new favourite characters. This caustic, disgusting moggy captures a real sense of the feline-seemingly uncaring and self-centred, but with a golden heart! The children’s first impression of Miss Riley with her antiquated television and the idea that Why Fy is some kind of biscuit soon alters and a new friendship is formed, showing how important it is to get to know people and appreciate who they are. The ensuing wish adventures are wonderfully chaotic and full of imaginative details! Who hasn’t made a crazy wish when they’ve blown out a birthday candle?!

I love the way the relationship between siblings, Roo (or Lucy to give her her proper name) and Ed develops as the story progresses. They come to understand one another better through their adventures, finding new strengths. Their new neighbour, Willard, plays a role in this -’…you shouldn’t snap at your sister like that…’ whilst keeping up his act as the ‘class clown’.

The story is a fabulous celebration of seizing the day and acting on the moment. ‘…I never want to say, “ I wish I’d done that when I had the chance”.’ Everyone can relate to that feeling and Miss Riley learns a valuable lesson from her new young friends. It’s a brilliant read and one which I can’t wait to introduce children to!

For the teacher, ‘Wished’ would make an excellent Guided Reading text. There is so much to enjoy and discuss and plenty of places to pause and reflect on the characters’ feelings. Children would also really enjoy thinking about the wishes they might make and writing wish adventures of their own. They’ll never be able to look at a birthday candle in the same way again!

Wished Lissa Evans

David Fickling Books ISBN: 978-1788452021

Coming soon…

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