
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Younger Readers, Magical, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers, Magical, Mystery Sue Wilsher

Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery

Marnie Midnight is really excited to be starting at Minibeast Academy where she hopes to follow in the footsteps of her heroine, Lunora Wingheart, the famous Moonologist who used to be a pupil there. But, to her disappointment, Marnie soon finds out that nobody believes in moon magic anymore. Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, Marnie and her new friends, Star and Floyd, decide to search for the truth…

From her introduction, portrait gallery of characters and map of Thimbledown to the end of the story, this new story from Laura Ellen Anderson is a charming, captivating adventure, perfect for fans of her ‘Amelia Fang’ and ‘Rainbow Grey’ series.

The detailed world building is wonderful and there are plenty of mini-beast facts woven into the tale, making this delightful story the perfect starting point for discovering more. Marnie, Floyd and Star are great characters- each personality is well-developed, showing how different natures can complement each other, each bringing their own strengths to a friendship, offering support.

The illustrations are delightful, adding much to the book and sparking imagination and interest. Whether sharing as a class story, a bedtime read or for children to love as an independent read, ‘Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery’ is a real joy!

Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery

Laura Ellen Anderson

Farshore ISBN: 978-0008591335

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