
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Humour, Imagination, Punctuation Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Humour, Imagination, Punctuation Sue Wilsher

The Full Stop that Got Away

Frank is a full stop. He quietly stops things because that’s what a full stop does. However, when a dragon called Dee takes over, things get out of hand and Frank decides he has had enough. But without a full stop, how will things end?

What a wonderful book! ‘The Full Stop that Got Away’ manages to celebrate both the joy of imagination and the power of punctuation in one fabulously funny story. There is so much to enjoy and discuss here- this is definitely a new favourite!

On the punctuation side, teachers can have great fun, using Frank to remind children of what a full stop does and how important this ‘round and small’ punctation mark is for making sense of written text. Of course, by saying that Frank never asks questions or shouts, the story introduces the use of question marks and exclamation marks, but these are not the only punctuation marks used in the telling of the tale, brilliantly illustrating a variety of these and how they can be used in context of the story. There is so much scope for fun and games to be had here!

However, the story also shows the importance of a dash of imagination and creativity when it comes to telling a great tale. Dee’s enthusiastic additions and details to Frank’s very dull sentence story add great life and excitement…although she still needs his help to bring things to a close! The illustrations are equally brilliant, perfectly capturing Frank’s expressions, Dee’s cavortings and everything in between.

Fabulous fun for home and school! I’m off to plan how to use this now!

The Full Stop that Got Away

Laura Baker, illustrated by Nathan Reed

Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702310225

Publishing 13th February 2025

You can read my review of ‘All the Wonderful Ways to Read’ here.

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FCBG, FCBG Conference Sue Wilsher FCBG, FCBG Conference Sue Wilsher

FCBG Conference 2023 Day 2

Day 2 saw us up bright and early, off to explore Rugby town before breakfast! The town was already alive as the Saturday market was setting up and we enjoyed wandering around, on a mission to find the statues of Rupert Brooke, Thomas Hughes and William Webb Ellis and the bench in Jubilee Gardens which commemorates various authors. As none of these things are signposted, we were helped by the bin men who googled Rupert Brooke’s location for us!

Once fortified by a hearty breakfast, Conference began a-new. Saturday sees new day delegates arriving and the organisers- members of the Executive Committee and the Northamptonshire Book Group- work tirelessly to make sure everything is ready and everyone in the right place for the first session. Each delegate receives a Conference goodie bag, filled with donations from publishers as well as Conference information when they are greeted by those manning the reception desk.

The first session was the wonderful M G Leonard. Sadly, I missed this session as I was distributing information about NNFN to publishers, but people were buzzing about it, filled with enthusiasm by the inspiring energy of her talk. This was followed by a panel discussion with Alison David (Farshore Consumer Insight Director), Emma Dodds (Red Shed Senior Commissioning Editor) and Dr Ronx (doctor, TV presenter and author) about the power of non-fiction to make and inspire new readers. Coffee time celebrated the 10th anniversary of Red Shed!

After coffee, the perfect combination of Phil Earle and Clare Helen Welsh arrived, sharing their picture books which tackle divorce. The books took very different approaches to this sensitive subject, but each is a real gem and sure to support children going through this experience. Phil and Clare each spoke of their own experiences and how these helped them in the writing of their books.

The ‘Fantastical and Magical’ panel was just as it sounds! Three excellent authors, Anna Goodall, Emma Norry and Nicki Thornton, gave readings from their books and talked about the inspiration for their writing, the settings and characters in a truly magical session.

Just before lunch, Laura Baker shared her gorgeous book, ‘All the Wonderful Ways to Read’, a perfect book for so many avid booklovers to hear!

After lunch, delegates were offered a choice of seminar sessions: ‘Celebrate with Me!’ with Laura Gladwin, ‘Explodapedia’ with Ben Martynoga, accessible retellings with Laura Wood or Humour Hooks with Derek Keilty, Jenny McLaughlin and Myles McLeod. It is always so hard to choose which to attend- and there is always lots of discussion and idea sharing afterwards!

From the seminars to the next panel session, ‘Representative Voices’. Candy Gourlay, A M Dassu and Ravena Guron discussed authentic representation, who they write for and their approaches to writing. They each read a section from one of their books- a real treat for people like me who love to hear authors reading their own words!

Just before the tea break, G M Linton told us a little about her new book, ‘My Name is Sunshine Simpson’ and we celebrated with cupcakes!

The FCBG is led by the Executive Committee which organises the groups at a national level and Conference is always when the AGM is held. Tricia, our Chair, led us through the agenda and this was then followed by the group meeting where ideas are shared and discussed. The busyness of Conference then stills for about an hour whilst everyone gets ready for the Gala Dinner.

This year, the Gala Dinner was held in the stunning Temple Speech Room, a very beautiful and historic setting for a lovely occasion! Before dinner, cocktails were served and we all raised a glass to the memory of Judith Kerr who was born 100 years ago. Slides of Judith were shown at this time and Jane made a lovely speech, echoing the feelings of us all about this iconic lady and her work.

Publishers Frances Lincoln were celebrating their 40th anniversary and we took part in a quiz. Guest authors, Mariajo Illustrajo and Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, joined us for the dinner along with some of the authors who had spoken during the day. The After Dinner Speaker this year was Children’s Laureate, Joseph Coelho, who had us joining in with his poems and laughing as the lovely evening drew to a close.

Some hardy folks stayed on to enjoy the bar, but many of us were worn out by the packed programme of events and headed back to the accommodation to re-charge for another fun-filled day!

Day three to follow!

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Picture Book, Reading, The joy of books Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Reading, The joy of books Sue Wilsher

All the Wonderful Ways to Read

Come snuggle with me…

This delightful book is a celebration of the right of the reader to choose exactly how they will read and explore books. Wherever and however you engage with a book, this one carries the message that the most important thing is that you should love to read!

It would be an interesting book to use to spark conversations with children of any age about where and how they choose to read- and to, perhaps, unpick some of the preconceptions children have about when, how and where people ‘should’ read. It might inspire them to create their own ‘rights of the reader’ style poster, sharing how they best love to read as well as encouraging them to share books which they enjoy which might open new possibilities for others.

Bright, fun illustrations accompany the rhyming text as it celebrates the wonder and magic of books and stories and the many ways and places of enjoying them. It is a lovely book for sharing at home and at school and one which is sure to be read again and again!

All the Wonderful Ways to Read

Laura Baker, illustrated by Sandra de la Prada

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801044158

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