
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

The Great Theatre Rescue

Charley’s childhood has been unconventional and full of excitement. Her life revolves around The Wren theatre, where, at last, she has a chance to be on the stage, not just behind the curtains. However, when disaster strikes, Charley finds herself bundled off to St Mary-at-Cliffe School for girls which is less like a school and more like a prison. Here the pupils are kept hard at work to line the pockets of those in charge. Knowing the theatre is in peril, Charley is determined to escape, return to London and save the theatre that she loves.

‘The Great Theatre Rescue’ has it all! Vivid, atmospheric descriptions bring the places and characters in this story brilliantly to life as the plot romps along at a pleasing pace. There are dastardly baddies, courageous and determined heroines, historical figures - and a devoted canine companion- making this an adventure to appeal to everyone!

Charley is a very endearing, likeable character who is flawed and easy to identify with as she navigates the challenges thrown at her. Her developing friendship with Jewel, who she meets at school, is really handled and offers some interesting twists to the tale.

The harshness of the boarding school contrasts with the lively warmth and companionship of theatre life, giving the story real colour- and offering echoes of a Dickensian world. Orphans, street gangs, foundling babies, unexpected relationships, betrayal, heartache, love and loyalty transport the reader to another world as Charley strives to save the theatre and overcome her crippling stage fright. There is so much to love in this book.

The energy, tension and excitement of the story would make this an excellent choice for class story time, offering much to enjoy and plenty to discuss. A brilliant read!

The Great Theatre Rescue

Judith Eagle

Faber ISBN: 978-0571363308

You can read my review of ‘The Accidental Stowaway’ here.

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Fiction Sue Wilsher Fiction Sue Wilsher

The Accidental Stowaway

Esme Leonard- known as Patch- never meant to stowaway on the steamship, RMS Glorious. However, chased by a constable for a crime she did not commit whilst in pursuit of a boy with a skate which is hers, she needs to find a hiding place quickly. When the ship sets sail whilst she is still on board, she realises she has become an accidental stowaway. Luckily, she is a resourceful and capable child, used to fending for herself, but a couple of new friendships certainly help her settle on board, hiding in plain sight. However, things quickly become complicated and a mystery needs solving before the Glorious arrives in New York…

Judith Eagle can always be relied on for an excellent read! Both ‘The Secret Starling’ and ‘The Pear Affair’ are stories which I regularly recommend - and ‘The Accidental Stowaway’ will be joining them!

Often cross and outspoken, Patch is a wonderful character whose complicated background makes her incredibly adaptable and independent. As the story progresses, she shows herself to be loyal and courageous and you find yourself rooting for her at every step of her adventure, desperate for her to have a ‘happy ending’. Lillian and Turo, friends she makes on board, are equally engaging, helping her to solve the mystery they uncover on board- and adding to it! Once exposed, the baddies are deliciously horrible, making the children’s triumph all the more pleasing.

Settings are always something Judith Eagle describes brilliantly and each location Patch finds herself in is vividly portrayed with an effortless skill which enables the reader to visualise each scene. This is one of the many reasons ‘The Accidental Stowaway’ would make an excellent class read, offering inspiration as well as a great story.

Out in August, this is one NOT to be missed!

The Accidental Stowaway Judith Eagle, illustrated by Kim Geyer

Faber ISBN: 978-0571363124

Published in August!

You can read my review of ‘The Pear Affair’ here.

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