
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book Sue Wilsher Picture Book Sue Wilsher

Rainbow Hands

As the days stretch on and on, a little boy looks forward to his favourite time- painting-my-nails-time. In his Ma’s magical bottles, there is a shade of varnish for every mood and feeling. He knows purple is the colour of mystery whilst white is the colour of infinite possibilities. At times, his Papa frowns and asks why he can’t paint on paper instead, but the little boy knows it makes his hands look beautiful.

When my son was little, he used to love to paint my nails, creating a rainbow of colour on each hand. And sometimes, he would ask for his nails to be painted too, carefully choosing which shades to use. These were moments of great joy, as he focused so hard on keep the polish on my nails, laughing and chatting as he painted.

‘Rainbow Hands’ celebrates exploring who you are and having the courage to express yourself. Although his father sometimes questions the little boy’s colourful nails, there is a great sense of love from his family. You are my colourful child who I know will shine bright… says his grandfather and there is joy as he explores all the emotions and colours of the rainbow!

The story offers the perfect opportunity for discussing how we link colours with different emotions as well as for challenging stereotypical notions about who should or should not wear nail varnish. Jo Loring-Fisher’s illustrations are simply delightful, conveying a wide range of emotions and capturing the love and joy of the family.

A delightful book, made for sharing!

Rainbow Hands Mamta Nainy, illustrated by Jo Loring-Fisher

Lantana ISBN: 978-1913747831

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