
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Non-fiction, Biography, Exploration Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Biography, Exploration Sue Wilsher

The Indestructible Tom Crean

‘The Indestructible Tom Crean’ is a fascinating biography about Irish born Tom Crean, one of the brave adventurers involved in what became known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. It is an inspiring, absorbing read, greatly enhanced by the wonderful illustrations.

Many children in Y5/6 learn about explorers and the exploits of Ernest Shackleton, using William Gill’s excellent ‘Shackleton’s Journey’, have become a favourite focus for study. This book would not only work brilliantly in conjunction with this text, expanding the children’s knowledge of the expedition, or as an alternative book to build a unit of work around for both English and History/Geography.

Having joined the Royal Navy, Tom Crean joined Scott’s Discovery expedition as a last minute replacement. The book charts his progress on this journey, showing why, six years later, Scott invited him to take part on his quest to be the first to reach the South Pole. Not chosen to be a member of the team to make the last 150 miles of the journey, Tom and two others must return to base camp before starvation and exhaustion overcome them. When his fellows are too ill to continue, Tom makes the journey to fetch help alone. He saves their lives, although the team Scott took on further all perish. These events are sensitively, but clearly told, with the text supported by illustration at every step. There are many opportunities for role play activities, writing in role and further research and investigation to be developed.

The book continues with Crean joining Shackleton’s Endurance expedition as Second Officer. At times, the language used is almost poetic- even when describing the appalling conditions the men had to endure- and the illustrations are sure to inspire artwork. Crean’s role in the ‘James Caird’ trip, his bravery and determination, contributed to the rescue of the men left behind on Elephant Island. The use of the present tense throughout is very effective, making the reader feel that they are keeping pace with him on his adventures.

At the end of the book, there is additional information about the Antarctic, its wildlife and a timeline of events. There is also an afterword which seeks to explain why- perhaps- this courageous man never sought to draw attention to himself after the war, settling down with a family to run a public house. This is an excellent book which brings Crean’s story to life. Brilliant for topic boxes, library shelves, personal interest… a must have!

The Indestructible Tom Crean: Heroic Explorer of the Antarctic

Jennifer Thermes

Welbeck Publishing ISBN: 978-1803380957

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