There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Jed Greenleaf
It is the reign of Queen Jane III and the Guild of Iron, led by Cromwell, helps her rule the kingdom of Albion. Although the six magickal guilds compete for this role every year, it has been a long time since Fire or Iron have been in charge.
When orphan Jed finds himself taken in by the crumbling Guild of Leaf, his extraordinary abilities allow for the possibility of change. However, things are not as they should be and Jed soon finds himself caught up in a world of intrigue where he needs to save his new guild family and fight for change.
‘Jed Greenleaf’ is a completely engaging story, enhanced throughout by wonderfully atmospheric illustrations by David Wyatt. I loved everything about it, from its alternative historical setting to its appealing characters. Kieran Larwood’s stories just get better and better.
Set at a time when Lady Jane Grey succeeded in inheriting the throne from Edward VI and her descendants now rule Albion, the book is full of historical details and references to historical figures which add much to the setting of the story, giving a realism which acts as a contrast to the magickal abilities of those in the Guilds and creates a perfect backdrop to this intricate and brilliantly imagined world.
Jed is such a fabulous character. Sickly and bullied by those around him, he is full of self-doubt, worried about his abilities and his newfound role as part of a Guild which is far from flourishing. Yet, as the story progresses, his courage and determination lead him to achieve things he would never have thought possible, overturning corruption and righting wrongs along the way. Despite all the cruelty he has experienced, Jed shows unfailing kindness and loyalty to those he cares for, an instinctive sense of right and wrong guiding him in the choices he makes.
There is a rich feeling of folklore, combined with a love of the natural world running through the story and although it looks as if this is a self-contained story, it would be such as shame not to revisit Jed and his friends in another adventure. This is a must-read, perfect for sharing as a class or bedtime story!
Jed Greenleaf
Kieran Larwood, illustrated by David Wyatt
Faber ISBN: 978-0571392049
You can read my review of ‘The Treekeepers’ here.