
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Blog Tour, Fiction, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Blog Tour, Fiction, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

Blog Tour: Emerald and the Ocean Parade

The ‘Isadora Moon’ books are incredibly popular with children at school and for good reason. These charming stories are beautifully presented, in books the perfect size for little hands with sparkly covers, full of lovely illustrations in pink and black. Isadora is half-vampire and half-fairy- special because she is different. Readers were then introduced to her cousin, Mirabelle, whose books are purple and black. Mirabelle is half-witch and half-fairy- and very naughty!

In ‘Isadora Moon Under the Sea’, Isadora meets a mermaid called Emerald (and we learn how she and Inkibelle, her pet octopus first meet)- and ‘Emerald and the Ocean Parade’ is the first book in a new series with a green and black theme!

Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but she doesn’t feel like one at all. Her graceful new step-sister, Princess Delphina, makes it look very easy, but Emerald doesn’t seem to be able to do anything right. But Emerald has wonderful friends, a loving family and the perfect pet, her octopus, Inkibelle. She realises the importance of being herself and doing things her own way.

Scallop City, where Emerald lives, is shown in a map (who doesn’t love a map?!) at the beginning of the book, setting the scene for the story. The language used is full of sea references which really help to build Emerald’s world- crisp- kelp, sea-flower floss, sea-crunch cereal- and the plentiful illustrations show her on her journey to becoming a princess in her own special way. There are many lovely details like air bubbles edging the text which really help to build the under water setting of the story.

At the end of the book is the selection of activities and things to make which (I know from first hand experience) are very popular with young readers. There is also a sneak peek at Emerald’s next adventure, ‘The Sea Sprites’, a reassuring clue that there will be more stories about this mermaid princess to come.

The fact that each of these characters is linked is a brilliant idea, allowing children to have their favourite ‘world’ as well as the familiarity of style and format which they obviously enjoy. Although aimed at younger readers, I have known Year 6s devour these books, romping their way through the series with great pleasure. There is also a very satisfying feeling to having the collection lined up on a shelf!

Many thanks to the lovely people at OUP for asking me to take part in this tour and for the lovely box of goodies. The biscuit looks too good to eat!

‘Emerald and the Ocean Parade’ is out TODAY- World Book Day!

Emerald and the Ocean Parade Harriet Muncaster

OUP ISBN: 978-0192783974

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